Matt Holgate
The Dim Realm, Volume I
Fantasy, Horror
Strangers have come to town; strangers the likes of which Kara and Corin have never seen - dwarves, orcs and more. A small group of townsfolk and these outsiders must come together to combat the darkness plaguing Arrow's Flight, but the danger is more horrible than they first realized, and bears directly upon mysteries centuries old. As Kara sets out on a quest to quell this ancient evil, she must rely on Corin and a particularly gifted stranger named Tal Stormgren to help her follow the maze of clues that she hopes will lead to an escape - before it is too late. |
The Dim Realm, Volume II
Fantasy, Horror
Teenager Kara Kinfolk, Waterguard ranger Tal Stormgren, and their companions are trapped in the town of Arrow's Flight. Brutal murder, strange disappearances, and an ancient murderous cult known as the Harbingers oppose them at every turn. Their options are dwindling along with their hope of escape. In both dreams and the waking world, they are more than hunted - they are trapped. The Dim Realm continues in Volume II, where the initial wave of Harbingers has been defeated, but the small band of companions faces yet more challenges. In the underground dwarven realm of Kair-Thelbardin, those few who survive must run for their lives, encountering new dangers while trying to escape Daermorn's ultimate hunter - the Reaver! |
Unforgotten: Volume I
Fantasy, Horror
The Reaver hunts them while they are awake. The Eater of Dreams stalks them while they sleep. In light of these and other menaces, how can Kara Kinfolk, Tal Stormgren, and companions new and old ever reach the elves? Old magics are awakening, most of them horrific, and none more so than the ancient, haunted city of Jorim-Sa. It lies between them and their salvation. |
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