Ya-Ling Liou
YA-LING J. LIOU is a chiropractic physician who, after more than 30 years of clinical experience, continues to expand and share her intuitive body care techniques. All of her work takes into account the whole person, and aims not only to address the mechanical balance of the body, but also the chemical and emotional aspects that so often influence this balance.
Growing up with exposure to generations of Eastern as well as Western attitudes towards health provided Dr. Liou with a unique perspective on health care. She began her formal education in the area of applied sciences in her hometown of Montreal, Quebec, before completing a degree program at New York Chiropractic College. Dr. Liou now lives, works and writes in Seattle. She taught anatomy, physiology and kinesiology at Seattle Massage School (currently Everest College and formerly Ashmead College), and later brought her multiple systems perspective to the Naturopathic Physical Medicine Department at Bastyr University as an adjunct faculty member. |
The Everyday Pain Guide
Health/Self Help-How To
If you’ve ever found yourself thinking: “…but it never used to hurt when I…?!” then this book is written with you in mind. This three volume book series is not about chronic, debilitating pain. It’s about what most of us would consider “everyday aches and pains.” These familiar bouts of everyday aches and pains are what can easily lead to a lifetime of discomfort if we simply don’t know what to do, or that we should even be paying attention. Reading this first volume, you’ll learn exactly what to do about the “nuisance” pain before it turns into a five-alarm fire. If you’re already dealing with the five-alarm fire level of pain this book will still help you: • Understand what went wrong • Show you what you can do right away • Lay the groundwork to help you avoid it in the future Volume One – Put Out the Fire will guide you through an intuitive exploration of the why, what and how of everyday pain. You’ll learn not only how to look at mechanics of movement and posture but also what specifically may need equal attention in the emotional and biochemical aspects of your life. This book is a breath of fresh air for those who appreciate information with real substance delivered without hype. With the help of Sandy Johnson’s insightful artwork this book provides a lighthearted yet poignant way for anyone to understand the balance needed to lead a pain-free life. |