Walter Parks
Hi! Thanks so much for your interest in my books!
My principal interests are true stories of the unusual or of the previously Unknown or unexplained. I have occasionally also written some fiction. I was born in Memphis Tennessee and grew up in Saltillo Mississippi, a small town near Tupelo Mississippi. After graduating from Mississippi State University as an aerospace engineer I moved to Orlando Florida and worked for Lockheed Martin for 24 years. I advanced from an aerospace engineer to a Vice President of the Company and President of the Tactical Weapons Systems Division. I then formed Parks-Jaggers Aerospace Company and sold it 4 years later. I continued my education throughout my career with a MBA degree from Rollins College and with Post Graduate Studies in Astrophysics at UCLA; Laser Physics at the University of Michigan; Computer Science at the University of Florida; and Finance and Accounting at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. After selling my aerospace company I formed Quest Studios, Quest Entertainment and Rosebud Entertainment to make films at Universal Studios. I produced 10 films, directed 7 films and wrote 5 films produced at Universal Studios. I then formed UnknownTruths Publishing Company to publish true stories of the unusual or of the previously Unknown or unexplained. These include books about past events so unbelievable that most people have relegated them to "myths". I have published 26 books with 24 in eBook format, 15 in Paperback format and 21 as Audio Books. I have an additional 12 books in development. |
Jesus the Missing Years
Atlantis the Eyewitnesses Atlantis the Eyewitnesses Part I: Creation Atlantis the Eyewitnesses Part II: Legacy Atlantis the Eyewitnesses Part III: Destruction Immortal Again Aging is a Treatable Disease Paranormal Portal to a Parallel Universe Alligator Attack! The Devil Takes the Bodies Caribbean Ghost, Genetic Memory Comes Alive Clan of the Bigfoot The Body Returns, Corpus de Licti |
I Look Marvelous, Skin Care Guide
Indian Massacre in Orlando Who the Hell is Satan Noah’s Flood, the Conclusive Evidence Jesus, His School Years Treasure Hunt, Finding Solomon’s Temple Treasure Ancient Secrets The Birth of Jesus, A New Christian Holiday Finding the Soul, Surviving Death Hormones Working for You Cain’s Wife Lilith’s Daughter Reagan’s Star Wars |
Reagan's Star Wars

War, History
President Eisenhower understood how Washington worked. He left us a warning:
Beware of the Military Industrial Complex.
I not only witnessed his warning being ignored, I participated in using the power of the Military Industrial Complex during my aerospace career.
Reagan’s Star Wars describes why and how the Military Industrial Complex gave birth to the Strategic Defense Initiative known as Star Wars.
By the early 1980s it was becoming clear that the USSR would fail. The major US Aerospace companies who were dependent on military spending were growing concerned that peace would be declared and the military budgets would be significantly decreased.
They had to do something!
Most of the major US Aerospace Companies maintained a study staff to assess military needs and likely budget actions; and, of course to try to influence such actions and budgets.
I know the details of the Martin Marietta Aerospace Company’s studies and the resulting pitches to the military, congress, NATO, and all affected agencies including the President because I was a corporate Vice President and well aware of our studies. I also had some awareness of such studies at Lockheed Aerospace Company because we had a close relationship with them.
The two Companies eventually merged and is now Lockheed Martin Aerospace Company.
Their studies viewed the sharp drops in military budgets at the end of military threats like World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam. They feared that peace would break out and the budgets would be significantly decreased, maybe even as severe as happened after World War II. President Carter had already dropped the budget to the lowest it had been in over 25 years.
The US military budgets would certainly be decreased. What could the Aerospace Giants do to continue our enriched lifestyles?
They reasoned that seeking funds for new weapons in a peace time or seeking funds to “patch” existing weapons would not result in the magnitude of budgets that they needed.
They put a study together that showed the merits of pursuing a leap frog to the current weapons technology and jumping into technology of the future. They started preaching such a strategy to the US military, to Congress, to the President, NATO and any agency that would listen.
The pitch got honed until it began to make sense. The Strategic Defense Initiative, later known as Star Wars, was about to be born.
We honed our pitches first with the military staffs in the Pentagon, then the staffers of the key military committees in Congress. Then we were ready for the President.
I remember a key pitch to the President that I believe really convinced him in the merits of pursuing a leap frog to current technology. The pitch was about how we could use the workings of the brain of a tiny insect to control the battle field.
President Reagan was sold. Barnes& Smashwords
President Eisenhower understood how Washington worked. He left us a warning:
Beware of the Military Industrial Complex.
I not only witnessed his warning being ignored, I participated in using the power of the Military Industrial Complex during my aerospace career.
Reagan’s Star Wars describes why and how the Military Industrial Complex gave birth to the Strategic Defense Initiative known as Star Wars.
By the early 1980s it was becoming clear that the USSR would fail. The major US Aerospace companies who were dependent on military spending were growing concerned that peace would be declared and the military budgets would be significantly decreased.
They had to do something!
Most of the major US Aerospace Companies maintained a study staff to assess military needs and likely budget actions; and, of course to try to influence such actions and budgets.
I know the details of the Martin Marietta Aerospace Company’s studies and the resulting pitches to the military, congress, NATO, and all affected agencies including the President because I was a corporate Vice President and well aware of our studies. I also had some awareness of such studies at Lockheed Aerospace Company because we had a close relationship with them.
The two Companies eventually merged and is now Lockheed Martin Aerospace Company.
Their studies viewed the sharp drops in military budgets at the end of military threats like World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam. They feared that peace would break out and the budgets would be significantly decreased, maybe even as severe as happened after World War II. President Carter had already dropped the budget to the lowest it had been in over 25 years.
The US military budgets would certainly be decreased. What could the Aerospace Giants do to continue our enriched lifestyles?
They reasoned that seeking funds for new weapons in a peace time or seeking funds to “patch” existing weapons would not result in the magnitude of budgets that they needed.
They put a study together that showed the merits of pursuing a leap frog to the current weapons technology and jumping into technology of the future. They started preaching such a strategy to the US military, to Congress, to the President, NATO and any agency that would listen.
The pitch got honed until it began to make sense. The Strategic Defense Initiative, later known as Star Wars, was about to be born.
We honed our pitches first with the military staffs in the Pentagon, then the staffers of the key military committees in Congress. Then we were ready for the President.
I remember a key pitch to the President that I believe really convinced him in the merits of pursuing a leap frog to current technology. The pitch was about how we could use the workings of the brain of a tiny insect to control the battle field.
President Reagan was sold. Barnes& Smashwords
Atlantis the Eyewitnesses

Ancient History
Many have believed that Atlantis was a fiction created by Plato. Well Plato was not the first to write about it.
We have found a very much earlier document. It was written in 9619 BC, about 9,250 years before Plato’s writing.
This ancient document is believed to be the oldest document that has survived almost intact down through the ages.
Further, archaeological finds and scientific evidence provide convincing proof that Atlantis really did exist. We believe that we have assembled enough evidence to prove that Atlantis was real.
Atlantis is perhaps just the latest “old myth” becoming a reality.
We structure the evidence that we found as answers to 3 basic questions. First, if Atlantis did exist how was it created?
If Atlantis existed, did it influence anything; leave any evidence of its existence; leave a legacy?
If Atlantis did exist where are its remains?
Read and you will become convinced.
Many have believed that Atlantis was a fiction created by Plato. Well Plato was not the first to write about it.
We have found a very much earlier document. It was written in 9619 BC, about 9,250 years before Plato’s writing.
This ancient document is believed to be the oldest document that has survived almost intact down through the ages.
Further, archaeological finds and scientific evidence provide convincing proof that Atlantis really did exist. We believe that we have assembled enough evidence to prove that Atlantis was real.
Atlantis is perhaps just the latest “old myth” becoming a reality.
We structure the evidence that we found as answers to 3 basic questions. First, if Atlantis did exist how was it created?
If Atlantis existed, did it influence anything; leave any evidence of its existence; leave a legacy?
If Atlantis did exist where are its remains?
Read and you will become convinced.
Aging is a Treatable Disease

Health, Anti-aging
New advances in medical science and the unraveling of the human genome are providing us great insights to the aging process.
We can now significantly increase our healthy longevity and live long enough to take advantages of the even newer technologies being developed.
The overall deterioration of the body that comes with growing old is not inevitable. Aging is a treatable disease.
So if you want to increase your chances of living a long and healthy life, maybe even becoming immortal, you need to learn what you can do today. It is not very hard, you do not have to go to the extremes to get great benefits.
But you do need to learn what to do and take action.
This book describes 7 programs that you can begin today to dramatically improve your health and longevity.
1. The fundamental, Basic, Proven Anti-Aging Program
2. Stress Relief Therapy
3. Hormone Replacement Therapy
4. Hormone Precursor Therapy
5. Calorie Restriction Program
6. Gene Replacement Program
7. Telomerase Treatment
The book also describes some of the Anti Aging Developments being prepared for the Future.
And finally the book discusses how you can select elements from all of the above to create your personally tailored Anti-Aging Longevity Program.
Don’t wait around to die. Join the race for immortality.
Live Healthy - Look Marvelous - Live Longer Barnes& Smashwords
New advances in medical science and the unraveling of the human genome are providing us great insights to the aging process.
We can now significantly increase our healthy longevity and live long enough to take advantages of the even newer technologies being developed.
The overall deterioration of the body that comes with growing old is not inevitable. Aging is a treatable disease.
So if you want to increase your chances of living a long and healthy life, maybe even becoming immortal, you need to learn what you can do today. It is not very hard, you do not have to go to the extremes to get great benefits.
But you do need to learn what to do and take action.
This book describes 7 programs that you can begin today to dramatically improve your health and longevity.
1. The fundamental, Basic, Proven Anti-Aging Program
2. Stress Relief Therapy
3. Hormone Replacement Therapy
4. Hormone Precursor Therapy
5. Calorie Restriction Program
6. Gene Replacement Program
7. Telomerase Treatment
The book also describes some of the Anti Aging Developments being prepared for the Future.
And finally the book discusses how you can select elements from all of the above to create your personally tailored Anti-Aging Longevity Program.
Don’t wait around to die. Join the race for immortality.
Live Healthy - Look Marvelous - Live Longer Barnes& Smashwords
Paranormal Portal to a Parallel Universe

Paranormal, Occult, Mystery
My friend Dr. Robert (Bob) Russell said that he knew a girl that could communicate with the dead. I didn’t believe him. He invited me to an “encounter” to prove it.
We went to a very weird old house where a Paranormal Investigative Team was working. The team was led by the girl Amy, about 25 or so. She had another girl and 2 guys about her age as the rest of the team.
They had some pretty sophisticated equipment that recorded the event in detail. The temperature sensing equipment showed significant and rapid temperature drops when the "entities" appeared.
Their electromagnetic sensors recorded the spikes of appearance and higher than normal levels as their presence continued.
Their infra red cameras detected image hot spots that varied in size from small orbs to life size wisps of bright energy.
Their acoustic equipment recorded static "noise" and varying levels of frequency specific hums with their presence.
Amy and one of her other team members, Ted could detect all of this much faster than the other two team members and my friends Bob, Mike and I could.
They could also understand communications when the rest of us could only detect the static noise and hums; they could also see people when the rest of us only saw varying sizes of orbs and bright un-discernable images.
Amy explained that when “entities” came over into our world that they need energy to materialize. That’s why it gets cold when ghosts, or whatever, come on the scene. They suck up the energy from the room or area so they can come into being.
The more energy that they are able to absorb, the more visible they become.
Amy asked if I believed that people had souls. I told her "maybe".
Amy stared at me for a moment and then the detail explanations began. We discussed the soul, ghosts, paranormal events, parallel universes to the point that we all became believers.
I became so convinced that I set out on a data collecting research project to try to determine the science behind paranormal events. I tried to determine that, if there is a soul, how can it exist and be explained scientifically.
I used my findings and the inspiration from the paranormal encounter to write a film script about the experience. Read the book and my imagined script and you may also become a believer. Barnes& Smashwords
My friend Dr. Robert (Bob) Russell said that he knew a girl that could communicate with the dead. I didn’t believe him. He invited me to an “encounter” to prove it.
We went to a very weird old house where a Paranormal Investigative Team was working. The team was led by the girl Amy, about 25 or so. She had another girl and 2 guys about her age as the rest of the team.
They had some pretty sophisticated equipment that recorded the event in detail. The temperature sensing equipment showed significant and rapid temperature drops when the "entities" appeared.
Their electromagnetic sensors recorded the spikes of appearance and higher than normal levels as their presence continued.
Their infra red cameras detected image hot spots that varied in size from small orbs to life size wisps of bright energy.
Their acoustic equipment recorded static "noise" and varying levels of frequency specific hums with their presence.
Amy and one of her other team members, Ted could detect all of this much faster than the other two team members and my friends Bob, Mike and I could.
They could also understand communications when the rest of us could only detect the static noise and hums; they could also see people when the rest of us only saw varying sizes of orbs and bright un-discernable images.
Amy explained that when “entities” came over into our world that they need energy to materialize. That’s why it gets cold when ghosts, or whatever, come on the scene. They suck up the energy from the room or area so they can come into being.
The more energy that they are able to absorb, the more visible they become.
Amy asked if I believed that people had souls. I told her "maybe".
Amy stared at me for a moment and then the detail explanations began. We discussed the soul, ghosts, paranormal events, parallel universes to the point that we all became believers.
I became so convinced that I set out on a data collecting research project to try to determine the science behind paranormal events. I tried to determine that, if there is a soul, how can it exist and be explained scientifically.
I used my findings and the inspiration from the paranormal encounter to write a film script about the experience. Read the book and my imagined script and you may also become a believer. Barnes& Smashwords
Jesus the Missing Years

Religion, Ancient Mysteries
The Bible tells us of Jesus' birth and of His being in the temple in Jerusalem when He was a boy of 12. But then there is no further mention of Him until about 20 years later when He starts His ministry.
Where was He? Why did the Bible not say?
After an intensive search and study of The Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient documents Mr. Parks found where God gave instructions, through His Prophets, for the preparation of a place in the wilderness for His Son Jesus. The instructions were followed. A place was prepared. And it was at this place in the wilderness that God's human Son was secluded during his formative years. It was there that Jesus prepared to become the Messiah.
Mr. Parks learned how and to whom God gave the instructions of exactly how to prepare His Son.
He learned the reason for secrecy of the whereabouts of Jesus during this period of seclusion.
He found ruins of the place of where He was secluded. From fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient documents, he pieced together the scrolls and ancient documents that Jesus studied.
This book is a Bible Story that is greatly enhanced with findings from the Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient documents. It describes the formation of the parables of Jesus and gives insights into prophecies for our future.
Readers are invited to see how and where the preparations for Jesus were made; to see photographs and computer generated re-constructions of the ruins of where He was secluded; and to read some of the scrolls and ancient documents that Jesus studied while He was secluded. Barnes& Smashwords
The Bible tells us of Jesus' birth and of His being in the temple in Jerusalem when He was a boy of 12. But then there is no further mention of Him until about 20 years later when He starts His ministry.
Where was He? Why did the Bible not say?
After an intensive search and study of The Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient documents Mr. Parks found where God gave instructions, through His Prophets, for the preparation of a place in the wilderness for His Son Jesus. The instructions were followed. A place was prepared. And it was at this place in the wilderness that God's human Son was secluded during his formative years. It was there that Jesus prepared to become the Messiah.
Mr. Parks learned how and to whom God gave the instructions of exactly how to prepare His Son.
He learned the reason for secrecy of the whereabouts of Jesus during this period of seclusion.
He found ruins of the place of where He was secluded. From fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient documents, he pieced together the scrolls and ancient documents that Jesus studied.
This book is a Bible Story that is greatly enhanced with findings from the Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient documents. It describes the formation of the parables of Jesus and gives insights into prophecies for our future.
Readers are invited to see how and where the preparations for Jesus were made; to see photographs and computer generated re-constructions of the ruins of where He was secluded; and to read some of the scrolls and ancient documents that Jesus studied while He was secluded. Barnes& Smashwords
Immortal Again

Health, Anti-aging, Ancient Secrets
Ancient literature from the Bible and the clay tablets of Sumer tells us that Methuselah lived 969 years and that the Babylonian Kings lived even longer. Ancient Indian literature tells us that they drank soma juice from the tree of life to achieve these old ages.
I believe I have found the secrets of the ancients.
Combing the ancient secrets and the decoding and unraveling of the human genome indicates that we can soon have the means to live such long lives.
The science suggests that we may be able to eventually free ourselves of aging and, like the ancients, become Immortal Again.
Immortal Again tells the story of the re-discovery of the Biblical "tree of life", and tells of today's activities to become immortal again.
Dr. Hayflick discovered that the natural age related erosion of the telomeres at the ends of our chromosomes limits our lifespan to about 120 years - just as the Bible had told us. This is now termed the Hayflick Limit.
Dr. Harley, et al at the Geron Corporation recently found a way to re-grow the eroded telomeres such that our cells can continue to function indefinitely.
He made human cells become immortal.
The ingredient used by Dr. Harley that made the cells immortal is an enzyme called telomerase. Our bodies secrete it when we are rapidly growing embryos in our mother's womb, but our bodies do not produce it very long after birth.
The protein structure of telomerase is similar to an enzyme found in a certain plant. A "cousin" of this plant with the exact protein structure of telomerase, may have lived before - and was destroyed by - the flood.
Did the ancients consume telomerase from the tree of life?
Many now believe that Aging is a Treatable Disease
Immortal Again describes the ancient documents and the modern research that may allow us to become Immortal Again. Barnes& Smashwords
Ancient literature from the Bible and the clay tablets of Sumer tells us that Methuselah lived 969 years and that the Babylonian Kings lived even longer. Ancient Indian literature tells us that they drank soma juice from the tree of life to achieve these old ages.
I believe I have found the secrets of the ancients.
Combing the ancient secrets and the decoding and unraveling of the human genome indicates that we can soon have the means to live such long lives.
The science suggests that we may be able to eventually free ourselves of aging and, like the ancients, become Immortal Again.
Immortal Again tells the story of the re-discovery of the Biblical "tree of life", and tells of today's activities to become immortal again.
Dr. Hayflick discovered that the natural age related erosion of the telomeres at the ends of our chromosomes limits our lifespan to about 120 years - just as the Bible had told us. This is now termed the Hayflick Limit.
Dr. Harley, et al at the Geron Corporation recently found a way to re-grow the eroded telomeres such that our cells can continue to function indefinitely.
He made human cells become immortal.
The ingredient used by Dr. Harley that made the cells immortal is an enzyme called telomerase. Our bodies secrete it when we are rapidly growing embryos in our mother's womb, but our bodies do not produce it very long after birth.
The protein structure of telomerase is similar to an enzyme found in a certain plant. A "cousin" of this plant with the exact protein structure of telomerase, may have lived before - and was destroyed by - the flood.
Did the ancients consume telomerase from the tree of life?
Many now believe that Aging is a Treatable Disease
Immortal Again describes the ancient documents and the modern research that may allow us to become Immortal Again. Barnes& Smashwords