Vicki Veasey
Author, Advocate, Alzheimer’s Caregiver
Originally from Michigan, Vicki Veasey now calls Florida home. She credits her 13+ years as her parents' caregiver as a true eye-opening experience that allowed her to learn more about herself than she ever realized was possible. Because of the challenges of caregiving, in addition to grappling with recent widowhood, Vicki turned to God and eventually embraced her experiences as a true gift from God. Her debut work, Good Morning I Love You, Maintaining Sanity & Humor Amidst Widowhood, Caregiving and Alzheimer’s, provides a glimpse into the world of Alzheimer’s caregiving. Her advocacy includes a weekly video series posted on Facebook along with a twice monthly newsletter, Caregiving Tips from the Heart. As Vicki likes to say, “No one should enter this world of caregiving blindsided without some idea of what to expect.” Vicki has become a voice for dementia caregivers, both present and future. |
Good Morning, I Love You, Maintaining Sanity & Humor Amidst Widowhood,
Caregiving and Alzheimer's
Non-Fiction, Memoir, Dementia Caregiving
Sometimes, we’re reluctant to admit the person silently hiding within us is a much better version of our self, than we ever realized was possible. That’s what Veasey learned, the hard way, after her husband died in 2017. That’s when she became her parents’ caregiver 24/7, they both had Alzheimer’s! This is a personal story that bares the author’s soul as she struggled to find acceptance, forgiveness, and peace. Her story is both spellbinding and honest, passionate and raw. You’ll shed a few tears and laugh along the way. But never forget this could be you one day, a reluctant caregiver for a loved one. As Vicki states in the introduction, “No one should enter this world of caregiving blindsided, without some idea of what to expect.” And eventually, she was even able to look herself in the mirror at night and say, “I’m an amazing caregiver!” “No one but another widow can understand what a widow goes through. And no one but another caregiver knows what a dementia caregiver goes through.” Scattered throughout the book are Caregiving Tips from the Heart, invaluable bits of caregiving information, provided to assist Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers. |