Stuart Handley
I started writing at a very early age. My first book must have been at least both sides of a page long. Hard copy edition - of course. I designed the book cover and even made it myself (with no collaboration from my parents!)I even bound the book. So there it was, a piece of cardboard folded in half with the beautiful title 'Danger Man' scribbled in pencil and the pages held in place with a piece of string.
The world has come a long way since I was seven or eight. Now I use an editor, a professional cover artist, a file converter and the pencil has been replace with a laptop. When I left school I joined the military and spent time at an overseas posting where, if not with work but on my own accord, I managed to see some of the other countries that make up our planet. At a ripe old age of thirty-nine I gained a university degree at which I worked on full time. Now days I live back in my home country, New Zealand and thoroughly enjoy writing books. |
LOL Short Stories # 1
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