Steve LeBel
Businessmen are serious people, right? Not always. Steve LeBel — hospital president, technology entrepreneur, algorithmic trader — is definitely not serious. Not when he writes.
Whimsy overcomes him at the word processor. Whimsy is at the core of his novel, The Universe Builders, which is told with LeBel’s unique balance of seriousness, humor, and whimsy. Steve lives in Muskegon, Michigan with his wife and two cats. When not writing, he can be found cursing the stock market, providing tech support for his friends, or thinking up new plots for The Universe Builders. |
The Universe Builders
Fantasy/Science Fiction
Visit a world of gods and goddesses with the extraordinary ability to build universes. Meet Bernie, the newest graduate of God School, as he sets out to build his very first universe. Is he up to the task? Perhaps... But what if another god is deliberately trying to sabotage his efforts? |
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