Stanley Holstein
I love to read and write non-fiction Christian books. I was raised in the home of parents who loved Jesus and made him the center of our family life. I grew up around adults who taught and showed me that Christ is real. They modeled that faith in their daily lives. As a young adult I discovered a passion for teaching and writing. During the past three decades or so, I have seen significant moral changes in America. This has prompted me to write about living the abundant life of faith in Christ. After all, life on Earth, which is short, is simply a dress rehearsal for a very long eternity. My wife, Susie, and I have three grown children and seven grandchildren. We are enjoying the leisurely pace of rural life in retirement in a small farming community.
Hope Through the Truth - Standing in the Gap in America
Christian Non-Fiction
Is there any doubt that a full-fledged spiritual war is raging all around us? The legal, moral, and social battles taking place in our homeland are not simply ideological; they are spiritual as well. The increasing rampant rage, random violence, and growing disregard for human life leave many fearfully asking, “What is happening in America?” The entire body of Christ should understand the origin of this onslaught because nothing new is happening in Satan’s war against God. Only the intensity has changed, increasing to become a full-frontal assault. What is the solution? How do Christians witness to lost souls in the face of increasing hostility? The answer to all these questions has been, and continues to be, Hope Through the Truth. It is an eternal living hope for those who believe the truth of God’s Word exemplified by Jesus’s perfect life. The church needs to seize this golden opportunity with enthusiasm, standing in the gap between eternal life and death; calm and resolute in the faith; pointing concerned souls to the Messiah, the Christ. For believers, these darkening days are not something to fear; but should be a time of excitement and expectation. SAMPLE PDF |
Twelve Gifts of Christmas - From Our Heavenly Father
Christian Non-Fiction
As a child, Christmas was a time of wonder for me. School was closed. Sledding, hot chocolate, decorations, and social gatherings were the order of the day. Finally, on early Christmas morning, I would scurry downstairs to behold the lights ablaze on the tree and gifts stuffed underneath. With great anticipation, and impatience, I would wait for the rest of the family to get out of bed so we could open our presents. So, “Is Christmas truly about gifts?” I say, “Yes, absolutely.” Christmas continues to be a time of wonder for me; but for a very different reason now. Today, let’s go back in time to one of those early Christmas mornings infused with that child-like exuberance. However, this time, let’s view the presents under the tree with spiritual eyes and envision the gift-giver as God Almighty. In keeping with the spirit of the song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” let’s relish each present as, one by one, we open Twelve Gifts of Christmas From Our Heavenly Father. SAMPLE PDF |
Twelve Gifts of Christmas - From Our Heavenly Father Study Guide
Christian Non-Fiction
What, if anything, does Christmas have to do with God and his gifts? Shortly before Christmas a few years ago, I was given the opportunity to lead a Bible study. The topic I chose for that evening was “Christmas Gifts From Our Heavenly Father.” Throughout the lesson preparation, God revealed much of what he had done to lead me to salvation. Conversely, I realized how little I had contributed to his plan. The Holy Spirit gave me a deeper perspective of the cross of Christ. That Christmas Bible lesson became the genesis of this study guide. Through this study, we will look at twelve of the many good gifts God gives to those who love him. Beginning with Jesus Christ, the first gift of Christmas, and ending with the last gift of Christmas; eternal life with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The lessons God taught me as I prepared for that Bible study caused me to ponder a life-changing question: “Given all that God has done for me, what did I bring to the foot of the cross when I committed my life to Jesus Christ?” SAMPLE PDF |