Shawneda Marks

Shawneda Marks has loved reading and writing since she can remember. Some of her favorite books and authors include Shel Silverstein (Where the Sidewalk Ends), Sister Souljah (Coldest Winter Ever yes there is profanity/sex scenes and yes it is a good read), Stormie Omartian (Power of a Praying Wife, Power of a Praying Woman, Power of a Praying Parent), Jacquelin Thomas (Singsation and Soul Journey to name a few) and Booker T. Mattison (Unsigned Hype, Snitch). After years of entertaining her colleagues at Bank of America and Comcast with stories about colorful customer interactions she started penning her own stories. Her novels and devotionals are crafted to raise awareness, explore wellness and empower readers. Shawneda Marks enjoys being an independent author utilizing Print on Demand and Ebook technology to share her stories with readers. Marks considers the Chicago/Milwaukee area her home but since flying down south to attend Spelman College has grown quite fond of metropolitan Atlanta where she resides with her husband and daughter. Twitter Facebook Twitter Facebook
My True Essence

Rebecca has everything she ever prayed for and more, and is living like she doesn't care if she loses it all. Dani's business is thriving and her faith is strong. Her diagnosis will expose her own insecurities and life's truth. Jenessa epitomizes the definition of a strong woman. A routine doctor's visit forces her to confront the genetic cloud that has hovered over her since childhood.
It's in My Blood

A mother twisted by fear.
Naomi has prayed for God to send her daughter home to restore the relationship they once shared. Almost ten years of praying fasting and pleading has her face to face with her greatest desire and worst fear
A father left in the dark.
The only thing more important to John than his wife and child is his relationship with Christ. Everything else in his life is going in the right direction he hopes that his daughters need to come home will be the start of a new chapter in their lives.
A daughter betrayed.
Rocked to the core by the loss of the last man she loved, Rosalyn isn't sure how to continue on. Tragic news destroys what she thought would be the happiest moment of her life. Scared and alone she contemplates doing the worst thing possible in her mind, going back home. Will faith be able to heal these broken hearts when there is no one and no where else to turn and home is where the hurt is?
Naomi has prayed for God to send her daughter home to restore the relationship they once shared. Almost ten years of praying fasting and pleading has her face to face with her greatest desire and worst fear
A father left in the dark.
The only thing more important to John than his wife and child is his relationship with Christ. Everything else in his life is going in the right direction he hopes that his daughters need to come home will be the start of a new chapter in their lives.
A daughter betrayed.
Rocked to the core by the loss of the last man she loved, Rosalyn isn't sure how to continue on. Tragic news destroys what she thought would be the happiest moment of her life. Scared and alone she contemplates doing the worst thing possible in her mind, going back home. Will faith be able to heal these broken hearts when there is no one and no where else to turn and home is where the hurt is?
Diamond Butterfly

Emotional trauma at any age is devastating at a young age it is brutal. You need a safe place to share what you're going and have been through. Being open about the pain, hurt, anger and other myriad of feelings present after being grossly neglected, hurt, abused, molested, and betrayed is an important part of being able to heal.
I pray over time you encounter on these pages and in every area of your life what is needed for God to wipe away the pain until you sparkle and shine. Let the Lord lift every burden and free you from your pain. God protected you against things that have taken many others out. He can give you what you need to mount up on wings like an eagle and let the world see the beauty of your wings when you fly.
I pray over time you encounter on these pages and in every area of your life what is needed for God to wipe away the pain until you sparkle and shine. Let the Lord lift every burden and free you from your pain. God protected you against things that have taken many others out. He can give you what you need to mount up on wings like an eagle and let the world see the beauty of your wings when you fly.