R.S. Penney

I’ve spent the better part of my life pissing off powerful people. I’m the little chihuahua who wants to take on the Great Dane the instant he steps out of line. When I was seventeen, I stood between a dozen other twelfth-graders and one cowering fourteen-year-old to prevent them from hazing him. I took a beating that day, and felt pride in doing so.
When I was twenty-two, I saw a drunken man screaming at his wife by the roadside, and it looked like he was going to start throwing punches at any moment. So I got out of my car and asked him his name. He turned around and faced me with tears on his face and said his name was Jimmy. He said that everything was spinning out of control; he didn’t know what to do. I remember my reply. “It doesn’t have to spin out of control. All you have to do is not hit her.” I talked him down before the cops showed up. The guy ended up giving me a hug.
When I was twenty-four, I argued in court on behalf of the citizens of Burlington. No, I’m not a lawyer, but I had done all sorts of research on global warming and – specifically – on the ways that a new Wal-Mart would make local traffic so much worse.
My writing is inspired by the concepts of intersectional feminism and social equality. I’m a proud supporter of a Resource Based Economy, and I know that we can do so much more to provide every human being with the necessities of a healthy, happy life. The greatest sin in the world is going along to get along, falling in with the crowd. We can and must do better.
When I was twenty-two, I saw a drunken man screaming at his wife by the roadside, and it looked like he was going to start throwing punches at any moment. So I got out of my car and asked him his name. He turned around and faced me with tears on his face and said his name was Jimmy. He said that everything was spinning out of control; he didn’t know what to do. I remember my reply. “It doesn’t have to spin out of control. All you have to do is not hit her.” I talked him down before the cops showed up. The guy ended up giving me a hug.
When I was twenty-four, I argued in court on behalf of the citizens of Burlington. No, I’m not a lawyer, but I had done all sorts of research on global warming and – specifically – on the ways that a new Wal-Mart would make local traffic so much worse.
My writing is inspired by the concepts of intersectional feminism and social equality. I’m a proud supporter of a Resource Based Economy, and I know that we can do so much more to provide every human being with the necessities of a healthy, happy life. The greatest sin in the world is going along to get along, falling in with the crowd. We can and must do better.
Symbiosis: A Justice Keepers Novel
Contemporary science fiction/space opera
What would happen if a peaceful, space-faring society came into contact with present-day Earth. Ten thousand years ago, a powerful race called the Overseers took primitive humans and scattered them across the galaxy. Now, some of those humans have found their way home. Anna Lenai is a young Justice Keeper on a mission to recover an alien life form that has been brought to Earth against its will. She will have to adapt to a strange environment as she works to uncover a conspiracy that could shake her society to its foundations. Jack Hunter is a young man who dreams of doing something meaningful with his life. Little does he know his world is about to change. Read a Review of Symbiosis: A Justice Keepers Novel |