Phil Torcivia
Torcivia is a divorced man who transplanted himself from Pennsylvania into the treacherous dating pool in Southern California. His feline companions, Syd and Symon, share his home in San Diego and an occasional dish of leftover tuna. Torcivia loves nothing better than bellying up to the bar with his favorite social lubrication (wine) and watching the bizarre mating rituals of the locals, which he translates into humorous essays. He has been single long enough to be involved in a few train wrecks of his own, admitting that he's "one relationship disaster away from a third cat." twitter Facebook AmazonBlog
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Such a Nice Guy
Strip an East Coast man in his forties of his marital obligations, transplant him into San Diego, and something funny happens.
Available in Print and Kindle at
Print and NOOK at Barnes&
Available in Print and Kindle at
Print and NOOK at Barnes&
Still a Nice Guy
Dating is a humorous struggle for a recently divorced man who has no clue what women want.
Available in Print and Kindle at
Print and NOOK at Barnes&
Available in Print and Kindle at
Print and NOOK at Barnes&
Nice Meeting You
A divorced man continues his hilarious search for true love as he struggles to learn what women really want.
Available in Print and Kindle at
Print and NOOK at Barnes&
Available in Print and Kindle at
Print and NOOK at Barnes&
Just a Nice Guy
Is it true that nice guys finish last? It sure seems that way as a divorced man fights his way through a comedic dating scene. Will he ever find his soul mate?
Phil has been called the male version of Carrie Bradshaw. Enjoy his humorous essays about relationships and the struggles we all have finding and keeping lovers. Women appreciate his open view into the minds of men.
Artist Mike Swaim adds to the hilarity with his brilliant sketches, giving another dimension to Phil's quest for love.
Print and Kindle at
Print and Nook at Barnes&
Phil has been called the male version of Carrie Bradshaw. Enjoy his humorous essays about relationships and the struggles we all have finding and keeping lovers. Women appreciate his open view into the minds of men.
Artist Mike Swaim adds to the hilarity with his brilliant sketches, giving another dimension to Phil's quest for love.
Print and Kindle at
Print and Nook at Barnes&