Patrick Jones
Pat Jones was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. His special interests include the science of paleoanthropology and archaeology. Woodworking is one of his favorite hobbies, with special emphasis on the unique grains and textures of various species of trees. He and his wife, Sandy, thrive on designing and creating a flower garden of perennials, second to none! Constantly evolving, the garden began as a way that he could surprise his wife on her birthday. The rest is history! The garden now spans one fourth of an acre!
When their children graduated from school, the couple relocated to rural Missouri where they now reside with their four dogs. The love of the area, in combination with the uniqueness of the people, provided the impedance for "The Wolf's Moon". The sequel to "The Wolf's Moon" is already in the works and proves to be yet another suspenseful page-turner! Pat believes that there is a story in everything. Everybody that he meets has their own special story; one simply has to take the time to listen. The story then writes itself. |
The Wolf's Moon
It’s all too easy to let the ghosts you see consume you—but the very things that haunt you can often keep you alive and fighting, as the mysterious widower Mark Lansdowne discovers in Jones’ debut novel. The novel opens in contemporary Missouri, where Lansdowne, whose friendly exterior masks a history of covert missions and lethal violence, is still recovering from the death of his beloved wife one year prior. But as autumn gives way to winter, the outside world intrudes in a bloody fashion: A string of attacks on locals yields a spiraling body count; the apparent culprit is an animal extinct for thousands of years. A pitched battle with the creature sends Lansdowne to the hospital—where he meets a beautiful nurse—but outside the hospital, evidence implies that the animal Lansdowne killed was not the only one of its kind. Jones’ novel confidently lays the groundwork for future books, with romantic and thriller subplots tightly interwoven in the service of a propulsive narrative. No time is wasted in introducing the characters or the creature, yet nothing feels rushed. Fans of romance may feel shortchanged by the surprisingly chaste nature of Lansdowne’s interactions with the nurse. However, thriller fans will rejoice at the well-paced vignettes and spiking tension. Jones doles out information with care, providing enough history to make things clear without overwhelming exposition. This same care is evident in the novel’s resolution, which ties up loose ends without shutting the door on further developments. |