I absolutely LOVE to read, and devour books every chance I get.
The fact that I create magical fairy houses and make up stories for the inhabitants... well, writing my own books seemed like a natural step to take. I've made over 80 fairy houses and writing has now become a passion. I'm a wife, mom, grandma and chocolate lover. Chocolate covered cherries are my all-time favorite candy, but any chocolate will do in a pinch! Wine taster fits in here too! I dream in full color and never ever think inside the box. As a matter of fact I don't think I own one of those box thingies. We live in northern Minnesota where the seasons are well defined... winter and summer, with a brief glimpse of spring and fall in between. Our garden is spectacular even though the season is so short. I've been a student, house painter, waitress, teacher (2 degrees), care-giver and worked in a lumber mill. However, like I told my sons... it's not necessarily what you do for a living (the job that pays the bills) that defines who you are. It's what you do that brings you JOY. My epitaph will read... she LOVED her family well! |
Middle Grade
Life isn't always fair, and if you're an orphan it’s probably worse. Well, Joey is an orphan. His world is totally turned upside down the moment he sees a shaggy dog in the window at the animal shelter, and exchanges a wagon-load of pop bottles for the dog. But life is never that simple. Dogs are not allowed at the orphanage, and a deal is made with Mister Tim the kind man at the animal shelter that ultimately changes his life. With his new friends, Joey rescues a fellow orphan from scoundrels who use an adoption scheme to gain cheap labor, and unlocks the secret to his birth. He discovers his mom is in fact a wood elf, and she was sucked back into her world the day he was born. But that’s not all… there's magic too. Joey is the direct descendant of the mage of EVERWUD and will inherit pure magic one day. Life couldn’t possibly have more surprises in store for Joey… or could it? EVERWUD… where adventure begins. |
Middle grade
Joey is a normal kid. He has a talking dog, a smart-alecky bird guardian, a ton of really cool magic, and his mom is a wood elf who was sucked through a portal the day he was born. Well, maybe I’m a little off on the normal stuff. The truth is, the only thing normal about Joey is his new dad, and of course his friends from the orphanage. Otherwise his life is pretty strange. The EVERWUD adventure continues as Joey and his friends discover spectacular new magic, deal with bullies, open doors that will absolutely knock their socks off, and ask the question we all want to know. What is a green witch? And then there’s a clown… What the heck happened to normal? Find out in EVERWUD… where adventure begins. |
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