Lois Wetzel
Author Lois J Wetzel, MFA, has her primary academic training in fine arts, as well as extensive post-graduate studies in clinical psychology. Lois is a non-fiction writer, healer, and spiritual teacher.
The author says, "This was my first book and being a painter by academic training, I did not want anyone else to have creative control over it. So I self-published. This was quite an experience! The case studies had to be transcribed from recorded readings, then repeatedly re-written. I found the spoken word to be quite different than the written word, particularly words spoken while in a trance state as I was doing the readings. This was a difficult book to write, and extremely time-consuming. But I wanted everyone who was guided by Spirit to read this book to have the opportunity to experience understanding how profoundly healing knowing about our past lives can be.
One surprising thing that happened after this first book was published was how many people reported the same unexpected thing to me. Quite a few have emailed me that they were healed simply by reading the book. They identified with certain past lives of others, and in reading about them, experienced healing of their own issues. I should not have been surprised, though, because this is exactly how group therapy works. As human beings having a spiritual experience, we have common themes to work through. Seeing someone else work through similar issues can help us work through our own in group therapy. I was deeply pleased that my book had this healing effect similar to group therapy.
Another shock was the variety in the level of understanding among the people who read the book. While most people have no trouble with the concepts, some trip over things I would not have thought they would. One example is the people who seem certain that we cannot have more than one lifetime occurring at the same time chronologically. But our Souls definitely can do that. I had thought it was explanation enough when I stated in the book that from the viewpoint of the Soul all our lifetimes are occurring simultaneously. Einstein's theory of relativity explains this easily.
Since this is the case, what seems to be overlap from our point of view is irrelevant for the Soul, because that is not the point of view of the Soul at all. For the Soul, all of the lifetimes are "overlapping" because they are simultaneous.The Soul does not exist in space/time.This is a difficult concept, but it is commonly agreed upon by experts in the field. The "overlap" is not a problem for the Soul, which has abilities we cannot begin to imagine."
This book has been among the top ten best selling books in the area of Akashic Records and past lives for two years now.
Lois is also the mother of two adult sons, a former board member of the Junior League of Galveston, the founder of Art Walk in Galveston, as well as the Founder of EDINA Energy Medicine. She currently lives in Houston, Texas.
The author says, "This was my first book and being a painter by academic training, I did not want anyone else to have creative control over it. So I self-published. This was quite an experience! The case studies had to be transcribed from recorded readings, then repeatedly re-written. I found the spoken word to be quite different than the written word, particularly words spoken while in a trance state as I was doing the readings. This was a difficult book to write, and extremely time-consuming. But I wanted everyone who was guided by Spirit to read this book to have the opportunity to experience understanding how profoundly healing knowing about our past lives can be.
One surprising thing that happened after this first book was published was how many people reported the same unexpected thing to me. Quite a few have emailed me that they were healed simply by reading the book. They identified with certain past lives of others, and in reading about them, experienced healing of their own issues. I should not have been surprised, though, because this is exactly how group therapy works. As human beings having a spiritual experience, we have common themes to work through. Seeing someone else work through similar issues can help us work through our own in group therapy. I was deeply pleased that my book had this healing effect similar to group therapy.
Another shock was the variety in the level of understanding among the people who read the book. While most people have no trouble with the concepts, some trip over things I would not have thought they would. One example is the people who seem certain that we cannot have more than one lifetime occurring at the same time chronologically. But our Souls definitely can do that. I had thought it was explanation enough when I stated in the book that from the viewpoint of the Soul all our lifetimes are occurring simultaneously. Einstein's theory of relativity explains this easily.
Since this is the case, what seems to be overlap from our point of view is irrelevant for the Soul, because that is not the point of view of the Soul at all. For the Soul, all of the lifetimes are "overlapping" because they are simultaneous.The Soul does not exist in space/time.This is a difficult concept, but it is commonly agreed upon by experts in the field. The "overlap" is not a problem for the Soul, which has abilities we cannot begin to imagine."
This book has been among the top ten best selling books in the area of Akashic Records and past lives for two years now.
Lois is also the mother of two adult sons, a former board member of the Junior League of Galveston, the founder of Art Walk in Galveston, as well as the Founder of EDINA Energy Medicine. She currently lives in Houston, Texas.
Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past LivesNon-Fiction (Spirituality)
In this riveting book the past lives of over thirty different people, covering scores of different lifetimes, are stunningly narrated. These lives span the course of several hundreds of thousands of years on Earth, and allow the reader glimpses into long-lost civilizations of which we have no historical record. These lives are recounted so that the reader can learn and grow from the experiences of others. But why even learn about our past lives? Is it not enough to just keep up with this one? Here is why. It behooves us to learn who we really are. All the lifetimes we have add to the sum total of who we truly are, and why we do the things we do. What is the source of that phobia, or your instant love or hatred for that person you just met? Exactly why were you "born this way?" What are your hidden talents? Are you fascinated with Samurai swords or baking pastries for a reason? Do you cringe at the thought of visiting a certain location but don't know why? Just learning about these forgotten memories has a healing effect on us; body mind and soul. Hearing about other peoples past lives heals us as well! This book also explain how several of Lois' clients originally came from different star systems and became a part of the reincarnation cycle on Earth - some by accident, some by choice. Some of the past lives reviewed occurred in the context of a BodyTalk, Psych-K or EDINA energy medicine session, but most are formal Akashic Records readings. In the formal readings, from four to six past lives are covered for each individual, along with the reasons for knowing about that past life. The clients repeatedly observe that the readings explain a plethora of things about themselves or their relationships which they had always found puzzling. The loving presence of the Guardians of the Akashic Records is felt throughout the pages of the book. The changes that occurred in the clients' lives as a result of having the readings are also noted. Past life readings have within them the inherent possibility to heal the client not only at a Soul level, but the individual personality who is getting the reading - emotionally, physically and spiritually. They do not simply impact the current lifetime, but other lives as well - past, present parallel lives and future lives. Author Lois Wetzel says, "We are each Immortal Beings who come to Earth again and again to experience life in various bodies for the purpose of growth, expansion and learning as Souls. It is my hope that the reader will take from these past lives of others the deep understanding that our past lives are part of the complex web of everything that we are. Unresolved issues from our other lifetimes are still impacting us today. When we learn about them, we automatically begin to heal." "Hopefully," Lois says, "one day all healers including psychologists and psychiatrists will consider past life therapy, the ongoing journey of the Soul, as a crucial piece of the healing process. After all, the word psyche does mean Soul." |
EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars
Non-Fiction (Spirituality)
This is the fascinating tale of how a modern day mystic was contacted by 12-Dimensional Starbeings from Sirius-B to bring to the Earth a new form of energy medicine. The formal name of these beings is: The Ankenash, Healing Corps of the Ashtar Command, Sirius-B. The purpose for this energy medicine is to assist humanity with the ascension process, and it works directly on the Lightbody utilizing techniques lost after the High Period of Atlantis and stored in various cultures over the globe in bits and pieces. EDINA energy medicine brings those pieces together into a cohesive whole. The book also teaches the reader how to actually practice this form of energy medicine, and gives further references at the end of the book. |
Sacred Journeys and Vision QuestsNon-Fiction (Spirituality)
Lois Wetzel's third book, "Sacred Journeys and Vision Quests" is a metaphysical travelogue for the Seeker who may sense deeper meanings in the seemingly mundane, yet may have not fully embraced his/her own intuition in this. This book chronologically details personal events occurring to Lois and others spanning a forty year period. This is also for anyone interested in spiritually themed travel to sacred sites on Earth. Join Lois as she begins her journey with a "near-death" experience in Mexico, and her later travels to Chichen Itza to scale the pyramid Kukulcan with her young sons. She’s led to hone her psychic skills in the magic red rocks of Sedona and there she meets a major player in her past lives. Called to Mt. Shasta and Stewart Mineral Springs twice over the course of a few years, she has personal past life memories and also encounters the extra-dimensional city of Telos. In meditation there, she’s introduced to a teacher who illustrates how to think with her heart. Her seven day adventure rafting on the mighty Colorado river through the Grand Canyon is filled with synchronistic experiences and insights. A European adventure begins with crop circles and a flight in a microlite and culminates in the unfolding mysteries at the Bosnian Pyramids. Mystical rainbows, ET encounters, including the Hathors and the Ankenash, as well as eventually the Glastonbury Tor, Lois describes encounter after encounter with the Divine--both within and surrounding her--and beautifully illustrates the gifts available to us all by simply remaining receptive, open and flexible in any situation. This book's narrative style coupled with Lois’s honesty and vulnerability makes for delightful glimpses into the extraordinary visions and experiences available to us all. "Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway." ~ Mother Teresa |
Reincarnation: Past Lives and the Akashic Record
Non-Fiction (Spirituality)
In "Reincarnation: Past Lives and the Akashic Record" Lois J. Wetzel,MFA, has written the long-awaited sequel to her first book, "Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives." Yet "Reincarnation" takes the reader on a trip to the past like none other. Once again, riveting stories of the past lives of scores of different people are narrated. These lifetimes go back hundreds of thousands of years on Earth, allowing the reader glimpses of long-lost civilizations not contained in our historical record. In this book, unlike the first, the author challenges our ancient history as wrong, giving ample examples of proof we have lived on this swirling ball of minerals for hundreds of thousands of years! She talks about her past life readings for clients, but she also shares some of the spontaneous past life memories which others, including famous people, have had. The past lives of Lois' clients are shared so that the reader may learn and grow from the experiences of her clients. Naturally, clients' names and identifying information have been changed to protect their privacy. Surprisingly, some readers have said they actually felt some of their own past life issues were resolved as they read about the prior lifetimes of others. Why learn about our past lives? Isn’t this lifetime enough to handle? Because the whole story of who we are has to do with everything we have experienced. We know that who we are has a lot to do with our childhoods. Why would it not have to do with who we were in our prior lifetimes? Knowing about our past lives allows us to know more fully who we actually are at the level of the Immortal Soul. Why are we terrified of, instantly despise, or immediately adore someone we’ve just met? Why would we avoid visiting a certain location, even though there is no reason? Why do cruise ships or horses terrify us? Why are we so powerfully drawn to bow-hunting, cake decorating, scuba diving, fashion design or sailing having never experimented with it before? Why do some things come so easily people swear we have done it before? Why were we born with these predispositions? Are the answers in past lives? The author also includes correspondence between the clients and herself before and after the reading was done, so that we can see the client's experience of the reading, and the reaction to the reading and the information which came out of it. "Reincarnation" also discusses some truly strange concepts, like parallel and overlapping lifetimes, and why it may be possible to be alive in two bodies in different locations on a timeline that overlaps. Or how can we die and come back into the same body, remembering the out-of-body event with conscious awareness of ourselves while not in our bodies? All these topics and more lie between the pages of this fascinating and compelling book. |