Kayee Bradley
As far back as I can remember I have wanted to put "pen to paper" and create stories. Being the fourth child in a family of five not only is it an interesting placement in itself but add to that the age difference between myself and my siblings. The three were twelve to fifteen years older. Having a sister four years younger, sometimes it was like we had an extra set of parents. Add to that the time frame of growing up in the sixties I have accumulated a wealth of information.
Life sometimes dictates other avenues for people for many different reasons and I was one of them. After traveling to many places in this country and abroad with my ex spouse who was in the military I have encountered many interesting people all of my life. I have stored and taken note on many things. As with a lot of military families I needed to work to help raise my children. I worked full time as well as taking courses when I could. This created my first career that would last for 12 years, then when my ex left the military I changed careers and that also lasted many years. Both careers allowed me to meet and become associated with many interesting and diverse people and places. Now at this point in my life with my children being grown I am in a position to pursue my passion, as well as spend time with my grandchildren. I write because I choose to, not for fame, glory or for notoriety but because I can. Who ever takes the time to read my books I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed creating them. |
Shattered Pieces
Mariè Catherine D'Aubignè was a successful business woman, she had made a life for herself from practically nothing with the help of a wonderful man who was taken from her way to soon, creating a terrible void in her life. One bad decision is all it took to change her life forever and now Mariè must deal with the consequences of this decision. She soon discovers she not only has to keep her son a secret from his natural father for fear of him taking him from her but soon comes to find out she has more to fear from him. Mariè almost loses her own life trying to protect her son and family members from this crazed killer... |
Weep in Silence
Jessica Thurston is a woman who has grown up with all the privileges life has to offer, but she also knows the meaning of hard work. She is a vibrant, intelligent, beautiful and independent young woman who has worked hard to achieve the powerful position she has with the organization she works for. Jessica returns home to participate in her best friend’s wedding and spend some time with her family. Jessica soon discovers not only is someone from her past seeking revenge on her through her friends and family but there is a child killer she has to stop. She must deal with all of this and hopefully keep secrets from her past secret. |
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