Jonathan Hendricks
I was born abroad as an U.S. Army brat. Spent most of my youth years in West-Germany. Soccer was my favorite sport. Graduated high school in North Carolina, and that summer I followed my father's footsteps. I had ups and downs with life, but who hasn't? Retired from the military and was later hired by the U.S. Postal Services. I have a lovely wife, son and daughter. In my spare time I used to write short film scripts as a hobby. One of my short films “NonSense” was selected to be shown on public television and another one “Closed Doors” made runner-up in a film festival. In the meantime my hobby has shifted from writing scripts to changing the stories into ebooks for all to enjoy my short stories. My first ebook is "Rite of Passage" and I'm currently working on two more, "Closed Doors" and "Foreign Student."