Jeff Critser
Born the son of a Marine aviator, Jeff graduated from Vanderbilt University with a degree in electrical engineering and pursued his own flying ambition as a Naval aviator deployed to Guam with Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron Five.
In addition to his military career in aviation and naval intelligence, Jeff is a leading expert on defense intelligence and national security issues and has been an innovator in both commercial and defense technologies. Prior to his role as senior advisor for homeland security, Jeff held senior management positions in intelligence and electronic defense companies like Raytheon and Texas Instruments. He is the co-founder of a technology start-up, Trinity Convergence, where he served as CEO for four years. Jeff lives near Raleigh, North Carolina, with his wife, Sonya, and two sons, Ian and Alec. He is currently at work on a sequel to Cold Shadows, entitled Dark Down. |
Cold Shadows
Kip Mitchelson has been plunged into the abyss. After learning of his friend's murder in Florida, the investment banker suddenly finds himself hunted like common prey, ensnared in a dark world of fathomless cruelty. Philip Kurchow, the IT manager for a transportation company in Munich and Kip's best friend, possessed a secret to be forever silenced - the details of a lucrative smuggling enterprise in Eastern Europe. Pilfered from vaults deep inside Russia, lethal virus technology is now up for sale, and the FBI is desperate to shut it down. Hidden far from prying eyes, however, the CIA is launching its own campaign to intercept the technology for clandestine research and black ops. Running out of time, the FBI recruits the only man able to uncover the smuggling: Kip Mitchelson. As he digs deeper into the treachery, Kip finds a more sinister stalker in the hunt, the sadistic operative known only as RAFTER. At the risk of his life - and that of his family - Kip races to expose the betrayers and fight their depraved assault. |
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