Janna Yeshanova
Originally from the former Soviet Union, Janna Yeshanova escaped to the United States when persecution became violent during the crumbling of the Soviet state. Arriving in the United States with her mother and daughter in tow, $126 in her pocket and knowing not a soul, Janna’s talent and experiences have helped her become a high end organizational training and development professional. Her exodus story is included in the book.
Founder and principal of Life-Spark, LLC, Janna is a dynamic and powerful life coach, premier trainer and motivational speaker. She leverages her passion and engaging style to help others to overcome adversity and spark the possibilities of their lives. Love Is Never Past Tense... was published first in Russia and Ukraine in 2009, and is now available in English. It is a fascinating adventurous romance based on a true story. |
Love Is Never Past Tense...
How could he possibly know that she, a complete stranger, would inexplicably affect his life and be with him forever, whether she was at his side or not? This epic story traces two lives across decades and continents. Drawn together in Russia on a romantic Black Sea beach, Serge and Janna fall headlong in love and rush into marriage. Their divorce, months later, leads to years of "if only..." |