James Beard aka Noodin
You are invited to join with Jim as he speaks on topics such as traditional living and natural spirit teachings. His topics address many concerns to do with wellness and balance in life. He is a student of native teachings from Ojibwe Elders, Algonquin language based people, living throughout the Great Lakes Region of the US and Canada.
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White Mocs on the Red Road Walking Spirit in a Native Way
To begin to know spirit through the teachings of the ancients. In a time of transition, one begins to look for answers about living that seem to be missing in life. It seems as if the fulfillment of the promise of the American dream is somehow incomplete. One begins to look for something to fill in the missing pieces. Noodin searched for that missing part and almost literally stumbled on the first people of this land. As he began to learn of their continued existence, they led him on an extraordinary path of understanding. These people who he did not even know still existed, continue to have the gifts of a beautiful culture that respects all things. The goal for Noodin then became to find those gifts.
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