Jack Apfel
Jack Apfel lives with his family in Central Wisconsin. He has lived in small towns all of his life even while in college. He has been a small business owner for over thirty years. A Girl in the Dumpster is his first novel.
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A Girl in the Dumpster
A Girl in the Dumpster is the story of a newborn girl found in a dumpster and the people effected by that discovery, including: the homeless woman who finds her; a resale-shop owner and her shut-in teenage niece; a part-time store-front preacher and his wife who longs to have a baby; and a Realtor who has built a successful business but has been less than successful as a single mother.
The book is also about the Realtor’s daughter, Angie, whose drug abuse and careless sex has caught up with her and turned her life into a dumpster of a different sort. She’s sick and getting sicker, but she feels she has no one to turn to except the woman who has provided her with drugs. But that woman has gone missing. A desperate Angie is driven to go back to the old downtown neighborhood and childhood friend she had long ago discarded.
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A Girl in the Dumpster is the story of a newborn girl found in a dumpster and the people effected by that discovery, including: the homeless woman who finds her; a resale-shop owner and her shut-in teenage niece; a part-time store-front preacher and his wife who longs to have a baby; and a Realtor who has built a successful business but has been less than successful as a single mother.
The book is also about the Realtor’s daughter, Angie, whose drug abuse and careless sex has caught up with her and turned her life into a dumpster of a different sort. She’s sick and getting sicker, but she feels she has no one to turn to except the woman who has provided her with drugs. But that woman has gone missing. A desperate Angie is driven to go back to the old downtown neighborhood and childhood friend she had long ago discarded.
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