Ian Martyn
Hi, I'm Ian Martyn and I live in Surrey in the United Kingdom. Following a degree in Zoology I spent thirty years working in the pharmaceutical industry. On leaving to become a consultant I was determined to complete and publish those science fiction stories that I had started and were rattling around in my head. You can find more about me and my writing on my author site: www.martynfiction.com.
Project Noah
Science Fiction
At the end of the twenty-first century, planet Earth is in trouble. Despite a century of talk and targets, the population is still increasing, climate change has not been arrested, sea levels are rising and millions of people are suffering starvation and death. In London, a scientist using gene nanomanipulation discovers a treatment that may arrest or severely restrict the ageing process. Professor Gunther Kleim chairs a group of fifty of Europe’s top scientists, economists and sociologists tasked with modelling the future. When the potential for people to live well beyond their natural lifespan is included, the inescapable outcome is the breakdown of human civilisation. To give the world hope, Gunther proposes Project Noah. With the support of Dirk Reed, a multi-billionaire businessman, and despite opposition and sabotage, they embark on the most audacious and ambitious project of science and exploration since man first set foot on the moon. The aim – to preserve a piece of civilization, taking thousands, eventually hundreds of thousands of people, to the stars. Sample Project Noah |
Ancestral Dreams: The Return
Science Fiction
Major Danjay and his captains, Agreb, an elf, and Mizon, a centaur, and the Byzantine sector forces are on the planet of Kwasang, quelling an uprising led by the fanatic Jakan. Danjay is badly injured. Only his smartsuit, his bionanotech and the prompt action of Agreb and Mizon save his life. Elves and centaurs had visited earth in man’s formative history. They then retreated, ensuring their presence on earth passed into myth. When eventually man reached out into the galaxy, the elves and centaurs were there to greet them. Fifteen standards after Kwasang, the three heroes are once more on Jakan’s trail. However, unknown to them, Jakan is under the control of another mythical creature, who with other members of its race, also visited earth in prehistoric times. Their intentions however are far from altruistic. For Danjay, this will not only mean confronting man’s ancient foe but also his own ancestry. Sample Ancestral Dreams: The Return |
Bleak - The story of a shapeshifter
science fiction
They created an abomination, but now they need him… “If you like hard sci-fi, battles, intrigue, a touch of romance, space opera and intelligently written speculative fiction, then this is the book for you.” The Confederation used the ultimate spies to put down the rebellion. Now they cannot be allowed to live. Bleak is on the run. Then a desperate Catrinas Pekrov decides she might have a use for his particular talents after all. Bleak’s has no choice. He is now involved in a plot that will threaten the future of the newly reunited Confederation. Bleak sample |