Ian Lenathen
Born in Scotland, then emigrated to Canada with his family, as a seven-year-old – Ian Lenathen, always a curious thinker, capable of birthing original and critical thought. A proud father of two boys who turned into men, and now the grandfather of four grandchildren. Life is good, then it gets better.
A long-distance swimmer – a computer and internet technology exemplar, an intuitive empath, a poet, and seeker of compassionate, and empathetic contemporaries. As a world traveler, Ian has visited over forty countries, gaining many close and loved friends on our planet. Ian includes the knowledge gained through his travels, within the location, theme, and plot of his novels. Ian hopes to die young at an old age. There is always more to do if we choose to do it. |
The Alters
Literary Quantum Fiction
“Space is stitched together with the thread of quantum entanglement.” P(x) = |ψ(x)|². Multiple instance reality - this is the premise of The Alters, wrapped into the story, of Sarah and Adam - spiritually entangled born at the same time, in Baton Rouge and Toronto. Sarah, an empath savant - Adam, a quantum savant - both fully functional autistic-like and gifted sequential human beings. The characters in the story are psychopaths and saints. Nasty and nice together. Some situations are dark, but in the final events and instances of our four-dimensional experience, light is always a possible consequence. We have the choice to transcend - the choice to choose kindness first, in all situations. The Alters contain sexual encounters since we are sexual beings too. Gentle sex - cruel sex - as we salute the needs of our lower three glands. Your perspective of purpose may be altered as we move from our Darwinian prison defined in four dimensions, towards kinder and higher experience. We possess the ability to escape these chains of blue skies if we desire to do so. It requires a leap of faith. |