Holly Geely
Holly Geely writes ridiculous fantasy because the world is too serious. By day she’s a bookkeeper, but she’s not as boring as that sounds. She started writing in third grade and got her first bad review out of the way early. Holly is Canadian, but she doesn’t drink beer or watch hockey. She’s a fan of cake, puns, and bright colours, or some combination of all three. She has two cats, two dogs, and will probably end up with more of each because she’s already given in to calling her home “the zoo.” Her blog is devoted to her flash fiction (and most of it is as silly as she is). Stop by for a laugh, or catch up with her on Twitter.
The Dragon's Toenail
When Teagan Finnaly’s girlfriend is kidnapped by slave traders, he demands to be allowed to go after her. Older brother Brogan, Knight of the King, leads the expedition through Hell and high water – and a dragon too. With middle brother Kaylan, Teagan’s bodyguard Neal, and the handsome barkeeper Collin along for the ride, they must fight their way to Fragaria and rescue Ashlyn before it’s too late. All may not be as it seems, however, for as the chimera quoted to Brogan: “When the dragon flies again, The Three shall unite and conquer all!" |