Hillary Peak

Hillary Peak is a recovering idealist. She became a lawyer to change the world and is still somewhat shocked that didn't occur. Now, her goal is to retire from practicing law and write novels that people love. She is currently a practicing attorney in the District of Columbia. She lives with her family in Alexandria, VA.
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HillaryEPeak.com Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Wings of Hope

Literary Fiction
The letter said he was dying, that’s all Jules Weinstein knows when she leaves her life in San Francisco and moves to New York City to be with her father. She goes for the remarkable opportunity to really know her father. She never dreamed he had liberated a concentration camp, dealt cards to Bugsy Siegel or saved the life of a Black Panther. Wings of Hope is a road trip through the memories of a man making peace with his life. Little does she know that by getting to know her father, she will find herself. While her father struggles with whether his life was meaningful, Jules discovers that her father’s last gift to her is the ability to reach for her dreams. Her journey teacher her that “the goodbye” is sometimes the most heartbreakingly beautiful part of life.
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The letter said he was dying, that’s all Jules Weinstein knows when she leaves her life in San Francisco and moves to New York City to be with her father. She goes for the remarkable opportunity to really know her father. She never dreamed he had liberated a concentration camp, dealt cards to Bugsy Siegel or saved the life of a Black Panther. Wings of Hope is a road trip through the memories of a man making peace with his life. Little does she know that by getting to know her father, she will find herself. While her father struggles with whether his life was meaningful, Jules discovers that her father’s last gift to her is the ability to reach for her dreams. Her journey teacher her that “the goodbye” is sometimes the most heartbreakingly beautiful part of life.
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Cappuccino is the Answer for Job Dissatisfaction

Chick lit
Jessica planned to change the world. She's stunned to realize that job after crazy job presents strange characters and no real means to achieve her goal. Her solace from the daily insanity is found in a re-invigorating cappuccino. Moving from job to job and cappuccino to cappuccino, Jessica is certain success is just around the corner. She plots the next step to reach her goals and ultimate job satisfaction, but how to get there? Perhaps if she grabs another cappuccino, the answer will come to her . . .
Jessica planned to change the world. She's stunned to realize that job after crazy job presents strange characters and no real means to achieve her goal. Her solace from the daily insanity is found in a re-invigorating cappuccino. Moving from job to job and cappuccino to cappuccino, Jessica is certain success is just around the corner. She plots the next step to reach her goals and ultimate job satisfaction, but how to get there? Perhaps if she grabs another cappuccino, the answer will come to her . . .