Greg Kater
Greg Kater is an Australian-based author. He lives in Sanctuary Cove, Gold Coast, Queensland and has recently retired from a 55-year international career in the resources industry. During 2018, he has had three books published. The Warramunga’s War, The Warramunga’s Aftermath of War and Skills of the Warramunga are a trilogy of historical fiction.
The principal fictional characters interact with actual historical figures and events which have been rigorously researched. The subject of the first novel was partly inspired by the experiences of the author’s father during the war in the Middle East, and partly by his own experiences in northern Australia where he worked extensively throughout the Northern Territory and the Kimberley. In the creation of his second and third books, he has drawn on his experiences throughout the Philippine Islands and Malaysia where he worked as a mining executive over a number of years. He has also drawn on his knowledge of history and, again, extensive personal experiences from living and working in the Northern Territory of Australia at different periods during his career. Apart from the principal characters, many of the fictional people are based on a variety of unique characters whom Greg Kater has known and worked with in different parts of the world over the years. |
The Warramunga's War
Historical Fiction
The Warramunga’s War is a sweeping narrative of the friendship that forms between a young Australian army officer, Jamie Munro, and an educated half-caste Warramunga aboriginal NCO, Jack ‘Jacko’ O’Brien, brought together during the Syrian campaign against the Vichy French in the Second World War. The principal fictional characters interact with actual historical figures and events throughout the story. Jamie is wounded under fire and is rescued by Jacko, thanks to his subordinate’s bravery and expert marksmanship. Once Jamie recovers, the two men are conscripted in Cairo by MI6. Here, Jamie and Jacko learn about the seamy side of war in counterespionage as they track down German spies and use misleading radio signals to mislead the enemy. Following the end of the desert war, Jamie and Jacko are assigned to wartime intelligence work in Papua New Guinea and Southeast Asia. Finally, after the end of the Pacific war, they initiate the Darwin operations of the CIS, the Commonwealth Investigation Service. Originally on the trail of two suspected wartime German agents, they discover the agents have joined a dangerous criminal gang including someone they had known from their days in Cairo. The tracking skills of the Warramunga are needed to finally catch up with the murderous gang in Western Australia’s Kimberley. |
The Warramunga's Aftermath of War
Historical Fiction
The Warramunga’s Aftermath of War encapsulates the investigation into the post war activities of a major criminal organisation with tentacles to the USA, Australia and South East Asia. When a fishing boat is discovered in distress in rough seas northwest of Darwin in late 1945, former army officer, Jamie Munro, and educated half caste Warramunga aborigine, Jack “Jacko” O’Brien, who head the CIS in Darwin, are called on to investigate child smuggling operations financed by a shadowy ring of wealthy paedophiles. This book is the second book of a trilogy. This follows The Warramunga’s War detailing the meeting of Jamie and Jacko on the battlefield during the Second World War and their activities working together with MI6 in intelligence during the remainder of the war. Investigations by CIS after the war take Jamie and Jacko into the war-torn areas of the Philippines where children orphaned during the Japanese occupation are kidnapped by a well organised murderous gang led by influential dignitaries. Jamie and Jacko have to face numerous dangers in running this criminal organisation to earth in both the Philippines and Australia. All the inherent bushcraft skills of the Warramunga are needed to combat the brutal criminal circle. |
Skills of the Warramunga
Historical Fiction
This is the third book in the Warramunga series by Greg Kater. The events take place during the first half of 1946 when former army officer, Jamie Munro, and educated half caste aborigine, Jack “Jacko” O’Brien, who head the Commonwealth Investigation Service in Darwin, are called on to assist in the rescue of Colonel John Cook, a senior operative of MI6, who has been kidnapped by unknown bandits into the jungles of Malaya. During the recent war, Jamie and Jacko had worked in intelligence operations with Colonel Cook during the desert campaign in North Africa in the Second World War, as the Afrika Corps threatened Egypt. The pair with Jacko’s half- sister, Sarah, a full blood aborigine, originally from Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory, arrive in Kuala Lumpur in the aftermath of war to find that they not only have to contend with the impenetrable jungle of the Malay peninsula, but also with a large murderous and subversive organisation of Fascist criminals whose aim is to disrupt the 1st of April 1946 creation of the Malayan Union by the British Military Authority, foment an uprising and take over control of the country. All the inherent bushcraft skills of the Warramunga are needed to prevent catastrophic mayhem on the Malayan Peninsula. |