Eileen Granfors

My newest book was finished during NaNoWriMo in a first draft form. It is a prequel to Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities. Look for it by fall (revision is taking a while). The book is called "Sydney's Story." (Sydney Carton)
In 2011, I published "Stairs of Sand," women's fiction, which focuses on a mother-daughter war for the daughter's independence. Her mom is a dance mom, so there are plenty of fireworks, plus a therapy dog!
My first novel is YA, "Some Rivers End on the Day of the Dead." One of my aunts said, "How did you choose that topic?" The truth is that I chose to write about a high school girl, and then I needed a reason for her journey to take her back home. The writing process. . . it amazes me and is often the subject of my poetry.
At a time of intense writer's block for the sequel to my first novel, I collated some of my short stories and flash fiction, added 6-word memoirs and hint fiction, plus a novelette. The volume is called "Flash Warden and Other Short Fiction) is available in Kindle and paperback. The book is being used at Cal State Northridge in education classes for student teachers.
Books, those I've read and the words I've written, have been my most important bridge to the world, articulating what I have felt but have not spoken and helping me to understand the lives of others.
Read more about Eileen Granfors (PDF)
AuthorEileenGranfors/blog Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Pinterest Goodreads
In 2011, I published "Stairs of Sand," women's fiction, which focuses on a mother-daughter war for the daughter's independence. Her mom is a dance mom, so there are plenty of fireworks, plus a therapy dog!
My first novel is YA, "Some Rivers End on the Day of the Dead." One of my aunts said, "How did you choose that topic?" The truth is that I chose to write about a high school girl, and then I needed a reason for her journey to take her back home. The writing process. . . it amazes me and is often the subject of my poetry.
At a time of intense writer's block for the sequel to my first novel, I collated some of my short stories and flash fiction, added 6-word memoirs and hint fiction, plus a novelette. The volume is called "Flash Warden and Other Short Fiction) is available in Kindle and paperback. The book is being used at Cal State Northridge in education classes for student teachers.
Books, those I've read and the words I've written, have been my most important bridge to the world, articulating what I have felt but have not spoken and helping me to understand the lives of others.
Read more about Eileen Granfors (PDF)
AuthorEileenGranfors/blog Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Pinterest Goodreads
Sydney's Story

Historical fiction
In this imaginative historical novel, Eileen Granfors provides a past for the hero of A Tale of Two Cities. In Sydney's Story, we learn of Sydney's traumatic childhood, listless prep school years, and a first love while in law school at Paris. Part IV reintroduces the Darnay and Lucie, but keeps the focus on Sydney. This prequel is a novel with a touch of the Dickens in it.
In this imaginative historical novel, Eileen Granfors provides a past for the hero of A Tale of Two Cities. In Sydney's Story, we learn of Sydney's traumatic childhood, listless prep school years, and a first love while in law school at Paris. Part IV reintroduces the Darnay and Lucie, but keeps the focus on Sydney. This prequel is a novel with a touch of the Dickens in it.
Stairs of Sand

Women's fiction
It's the Mother-Daughter Wars. Zoozle Zimmerman, dancer and dance professor, tries to shake off her mother's intrusive influence. She meets a therapy dog and his kind, suave master, Phillip McKillop. They help Zoozle, except that Phillip is just the kind of man her mother, Jolene, has been looking for--for herself!
It's the Mother-Daughter Wars. Zoozle Zimmerman, dancer and dance professor, tries to shake off her mother's intrusive influence. She meets a therapy dog and his kind, suave master, Phillip McKillop. They help Zoozle, except that Phillip is just the kind of man her mother, Jolene, has been looking for--for herself!
Some Rivers End on the Day of the Dead

YA Multicultural, Coming of Age Latina heroine
Marisol and her mother flee Mexico's drug wars. But camping under an oak tree doesn't make Marisol's school life better. After a wild fire, she decides to journey back to Tijuana to honor her father on El Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead). This Hispanic tradition is about family and pride of culture (no zombies!)
Marisol and her mother flee Mexico's drug wars. But camping under an oak tree doesn't make Marisol's school life better. After a wild fire, she decides to journey back to Tijuana to honor her father on El Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead). This Hispanic tradition is about family and pride of culture (no zombies!)
Flash Warden and Other Works

short fiction
In Flash Warden you will find flash fiction, hint fiction, 6-word memoirs, and traditional short stories, as well as a novella. Best of all, each story provides a writing prompt that shows you how each story grew.
In Flash Warden you will find flash fiction, hint fiction, 6-word memoirs, and traditional short stories, as well as a novella. Best of all, each story provides a writing prompt that shows you how each story grew.
And More White Sheets

Inspirational poetry
I recommend the paperback of this title. The e-edition is not in a reader-friendly format.
A collection of poems about dogs, time, seasons, change, and travel. Pictures enhance the poetry and vice versa.
I recommend the paperback of this title. The e-edition is not in a reader-friendly format.
A collection of poems about dogs, time, seasons, change, and travel. Pictures enhance the poetry and vice versa.