Dikombi Gite
Dikombi Gite is a native Houstonian and has worked as an IT Project Manager directing large-scale projects in the airline, telecom, and oil & gas sectors. While working in the private sector, he also spends his personal time speaking at local inner-city schools.
Having grown up in inner-city Houston, Dikombi understands the meaning of hard work and succeeding when the odds are stacked against you. Because of the trials and tribulations he endured as a child, he has made helping children a priority. So in 2007, he decided to pursue his dream of teaching. He believed changing the mind-sets of the children would be easy, but quickly discovered it was the mindsets of the adults that needed changing first. |
Sex, Lies, and a Charter School
Sex, Lies and Scandal. Oh My! Did that actually happen in the teachers’ lounge? Not to mention the mishandling of school funds! What should have been a liberating teaching experience turned out to be a journey of a different sort. The title of Dikombi Gite’s book, “Sex, Lies, And A Charter School,” forebodes for the prospective reader everything there is to know about what’s in store. The story follows Jacoby White who decided to leave his comfortable job as a consultant and chase his dream of teaching. He is given the opportunity to teach at one of the largest and most sought after charter school systems in the country. His meteoric rise from inexperienced teacher to assistant principal is unprecedented and exemplifies his commitment to the school’s success. If you are looking for a feel good story! *You believe that the education system is fine! *You do not care about the future of our country! *You do not mind your tax dollars going to waste! |