Dawn Napier

I'm a thirty-something married mother of three. My genres of choice are horror and fantasy, but I also write the occasional science-fiction and slice of life tale. I also write poetry, but more for fun than anything. I've lived in IL for most of my life, but I spent several formative years in upstate New York, and those memories frequently sneak into my work.
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Contemporary High Fantasy
A naked, nameless child appears on Sharon Ross's doorstep, and all hell breaks loose. Dark forces gather against them, and Sharon is driven from her home. Aided by her renegade slacker brother and a surprisingly attractive priest (who is beginning to re-think his vow of celibacy), she will go to places as far away as heaven and hell, and as close as her own imagination.
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A naked, nameless child appears on Sharon Ross's doorstep, and all hell breaks loose. Dark forces gather against them, and Sharon is driven from her home. Aided by her renegade slacker brother and a surprisingly attractive priest (who is beginning to re-think his vow of celibacy), she will go to places as far away as heaven and hell, and as close as her own imagination.
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