David Fairchild
David Fairchild resides in Spanish Fork, Utah and teaches writing at Utah Valley University. He has a background working in the amusement and entertainment industry, including: amusement parks, haunted houses and theatre. He is a retired ventriloquist and stand-up comic and holds degrees in writing and communication. David writes and performs voice-over work all under the relentless supervision of his dog, Huxley (who insists he must sit in David's lap while he writes), and his cat, Chex (who refuses to stop climbing on his recording booth).
The Exodus
Dystopian, Science Fiction
A girl who feels nothing; a boy who sees shadows and hears what others cannot; a baby without license to be born; a deaf teenager and scientific savant; offensive people; a general who passed law to hunt, imprison and kill them all. Where do they hide when the sub-nations of the United States draw their own lines in the ground that dictate which people get to be oppressed and who gets to be offended? The Salvo Cartel built the tunnels to help them escape, to aid those with mental ailments, those who question, those who refuse to conform, gays, Christians, artists, people with scruples, and other deviants. Do they flee to Salvo's underground cities, with eyes set on a grander safeplace? Where do they go when Lady Liberty douses her light? Perhaps the same place she's been pointing her torch towards ever since she stepped atop her pedestal and realized at once that one day she too would be told to shut up. |