David Curtis
David Curtis is a Dating and Relationship Coach and a lifelong Chicago IL resident. It was in Chicago where he learned the ins and outs of dating, relationships, and how to meet women. Earlier in life while frequenting the Rush and Division Street bar scene, once referred to as the social "meatmarket" of the world, he became fascinated with the pickup artists and "players" who cruised the area looking to score. He looked on in awe as he watched them work their seductive magic on the unsuspecting female clientele, many of whom were just there looking for a place to unwind after work.
Today as a professional dating coach he uses what he learned through his experiences to help struggling men and women to understand how to connect with the opposite sex. Currently David has written 3 Amazon kindle eBooks. Two of these books, “Approach Women Like a Bad Boy Without Being a Jerk” and “Inside the Mind of the Elite Player”, are designed to work as guides for guys who are having trouble approaching and talking to women. While written for men, women can gain tremendous insight into how Alpha Male players contrive to penetrate their defenses and how to turn the tables on them. His 3rd book, “Emily’s Diary—Confessions of an Emotional Predator”, is a romance novella that, even though it’s fictional, works as an in-depth study of the malevolent relationship practice of manipulation and control, a destructive practice of which many of his male and female coaching clients have been, or still are, victims. |
Approach Women Like a Bad Boy Without Being a Jerk: The Complete Step-By-Step Guide to Approaching and Talking to Women
For most of your dating life you’ve been Mr. Sweet and Sensitive Nice Guy when it comes to approaching and talking to women you’re attracted to. And what has it gotten you? Most likely it's gotten you a never-ending stream of frustrating or even humiliating experiences that left you wondering what these women want and how come you don’t seem to have it. Are you tired of getting shot down every time you try to approach a woman, or are you too scared to even approach women at all. NO FEAR. Now is your chance to change that forever. In this step-by-step guide I teach you EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY and EXACTLY HOW TO SAY IT. I don’t care what you look like, how old you are, or what your bank account is. I don’t even care if you’re so SHY around women that you break out in a cold sweat talking to your Grandmother. If you just read, absorb and practice what I teach you in this book, being able to approach or attract women will become as natural as breathing. With your increased self-esteem and confidence you'll quickly become that challenging bad boy women can’t live without. |
Inside the Mind of the Elite Player: How Alpha Male Players Seduce and Attract Women and How You Can Too
Professional Dating Coach David Curtis leads you into the Magical world of the Alpha Male Elite Player, where you will learn his Powerful Secrets about women that 95% of guys will never know. What guy wouldn't want to be able to walk up to any woman and get her instantly attracted to him? We’ve all seen that guy who’s great with women. He not only can casually and comfortably approach the hottest woman in the place, but quickly and effortlessly get her laughing and flirting with him. A few short minutes later when he magically walks away with her phone number, you know that you’ve been in the presence of an Elite Player. So what's his secret? Most guys think it takes great looks, lots of money, or some secret killer pick-up line to score with women. But as you’ll find out shortly, most Elite Players don't possess any of these things. What they do possess are the instincts and insight to know what attracts women and, maybe more importantly, what immediately turns them off. In the following pages you’ll not only learn what Elite Players know about women, but how to adapt this knowledge to your own unique personality. |
Emily's Diary: Confessions of an Emotional Predator
Fiction Romance
Up to this point in her young life Emily has been terribly disappointed in the myriad of men who have sought her favor. Because of this disappointment she has given up almost all hope of ever meeting a guy who can measure up to her idealized perception of the consummate man. Resigned to the prospect of a life devoid of love and romance Emily degenerates into a social piranha, preying on the weak-willed unchallenging men who fail to live up to her lofty imaginings. To this end she believes that she's mastered everything there is to know about the fine art of manipulation and control. Then she meets a guy who unwittingly manages to slip through her defenses and unlock the heavily bolted door to her heart. But who enters next through this now open door she never sees coming. |
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