Dallas Blacker

Author Dallas Blacker has worn many professional hats in his lifetime. From the mundane, such as: bagging groceries, painting houses, and changing oil. To the unflattering, yet necessary work of pumping odoriferous grease traps and septic tanks, as well as cleaning rancid portable toilets. Always seeking a bit more excitement, Dallas has worked as a night club bouncer, also competing a handful of times in the fast paced, high stakes world of mixed martial arts. Blacker says that from the time he was sixteen until now, he has held several different jobs, some of which he says he enjoyed, and many of which he says he did not. At one point, even attending college for a few brief months before eventually returning to work full-time. Aside from his wife, several close friends, and family Dallas said only one thing remained a constant.
"Writing. Ever since I was little, I've been a writer. In grade school it was short stories. In high school it was gangster rap, and the occasional article for the school newspaper. After school, I just kept writing different stories and lyrics. Few people ever saw my work, for me it was personal, something I did to express myself. Eventually, over the years I developed my own style of writing that I was comfortable with. Once that happened, my stories developed and grew larger until they became something I was finally ready to share with the rest world. If you want to know about me, just read some of my work." saysDallas, flashing a quick grin. "There is a piece of me in every single character I create, and every single story I tell."
Blacker's prior literary efforts include two published poems, as well as a self published children's picture book entitled: The Misadventures Of Kid Insanity.
"Writing. Ever since I was little, I've been a writer. In grade school it was short stories. In high school it was gangster rap, and the occasional article for the school newspaper. After school, I just kept writing different stories and lyrics. Few people ever saw my work, for me it was personal, something I did to express myself. Eventually, over the years I developed my own style of writing that I was comfortable with. Once that happened, my stories developed and grew larger until they became something I was finally ready to share with the rest world. If you want to know about me, just read some of my work." saysDallas, flashing a quick grin. "There is a piece of me in every single character I create, and every single story I tell."
Blacker's prior literary efforts include two published poems, as well as a self published children's picture book entitled: The Misadventures Of Kid Insanity.
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Action Thriller
Former soldier of fortune and current personal protection agent Carson Ambrose has been called into work on his first day off in months. Upon hearing that his client Kukumba Adagumbe is a simple coffee farmer from Uganda, Ambrose figures he is in for yet another boring personal security detail. However, after Adagumbe reveals that he and his family are on the run from Uganda's bloodthirsty Oppressed People's Liberation Front, Ambrose quickly realizes that nothing about this detail is as it seems. Especially when a pair of skilled assassins show up on the streets of Chicago, in search of the Adagumbes. Meanwhile, halfway across the world, eleven year old Butu Tshombe must come to terms with the fact that life as he knows it is over. Captured by the same rebel group now hunting the Adagumbes, Butu is forced to join the ranks of countless other child soldiers abducted by the OPLF. Can young Butu survive amongst an army of madmen without losing his own humanity? Or will he devolve into a savage beast like his captors, devils in the flesh. |
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