Cometan (born July 1, 1998) is a British philosopher, astronomer, author, and historiographer best known for being the founding figure of the Astronist religion. Cometan gained attention following his sole authorship of the Omnidoxy, the founding book of Astronism, which was over 2 million words upon completion.
The Omnidoxy
Philosophy, Religion, Astronomy, Spirituality, Non-Fiction
The Omnidoxy, solely authored by the philosopher Cometan, is the central founding text that forms the conceptual, orientational, and structural foundations of The Philosophy of Millettism, also known as Astronism. Partitioned into twelve disquisitions, each of which are further divided into hundreds of discourses, which are themselves titled by those which are known as rubrals, The Omnidoxy has been codified according to a unique writing structure known as insentence. The Omnidoxy not only forms the foundations of Astronism, but it remains the primary contributor to the wider Millettarian philosophical tradition which encompasses the philosophy of Astronism. |
The Monodoxy: The Principles of The Aesthetic Cosmos
Philosophy, Religion, Astronomy, Spirituality, Non-Fiction
The Monodoxy is a 275,000-word-long philosophical disquisition comprising of hundreds of discourses which are themselves titled by rubrals and written according to a style and structure known as insentence. The Monodoxy encompasses the first of twelve disquisitions that, when considered collectively, form The Omnidoxy, the founding treatise of the philosophy of Astronism. The Monodoxy's authorship solely rests with Cometan, the first Millettic philosopher and the founder of Astronism whom began writing The Monodoxy at the age of just seventeen through what he termed as personal inspiration. |
The Duodoxy: The Principles of The Logical Cosmos
Philosophy, Religion, Astronomy, Spirituality, Non-Fiction
The Duodoxy is a 400,000 word long philosophical disquisition and the second of twelve disquisitions forming The Omnidoxy solely authored by the mononymous philosopher and founder of Astronism, Cometan. The Duodoxy comprises of one hundred and forty different discourses and introduces a plethora of new words, concepts, disciplines of study, and belief orientations. The topics addressed in these discourses differ vastly from the introduction of the Millettic approach to logic, the different forms and structures of philosophies, comparisons of philosophies to religions and ideologies, as well as outlining the theoretical foundations of how Astronism is to be disseminated globally which is addressed in the discourse focusing on the nature of promulgation and its management. |
The Tridoxy: The Principles of Aid & Stewardship
The Tridoxy comprises of a series of short philosophical discourses forming the third disquisition of the one million word long philosophical treatise known as The Omnidoxy solely authored by Cometan, which is the founding book of the philosophy of Astronism. The Tridoxy has been designated the inclusive discipline of abettology which encompasses the study of both aid and the nature, forms, and applications of stewardship. In the omnidoxical style, The Tridoxy is written according to the structure of insentence, its discourses are titled by rubrals, and it comprises of a number of unique terms, newly introduced concepts, beliefs, and notions that form the Astronist approach to understanding the ideas of aiding and stewarding, the latter of which holds particular importance as it is applied to the context of The Cosmos and space exploration. The Tridoxy covers a wide range of philosophic subjects, including ethics, epistemology, and logic whilst simultaneously introduces its own unique disciplines of study and areas of contemplation. Despite being one of the shortest disquisitions of the twelve that form The Omnidoxy, The Tridoxy demonstrates an importance granted to the notions of aiding others, the different forms and manifestations of aid, as well as the ethics of aiding and stewarding. Solely authored by the mononymous autodidactic philosopher, Cometan, The Tridoxy presents itself as a short interlude between much larger disquisitions that formulate The Omnidoxy. |
The Tetradoxy: The Principles of Justice & Patience
The Tetradoxy is a short philosophical disquisition forming the fourth of twelve disquisitions comprising The Omnidoxy, the founding treatise of the philosophy of Astronism solely written by Cometan. The Tetradoxy, as is evident by its subtitle, primarily focuses on gaging a uniquely Astronistic understanding of the natures of both justice and patience. Like every other omnidoxical disquisition, The Tetradoxy is assigned its own inclusive discipline known as equitology which encapsulates every other discipline of study, concept, belief, theory, notion, or any other type of conceptual included within The Tetradoxy. Strictly speaking, equitology is the combined study focusing on the contemplation of the nature of both justice (known as jurantology) and patience (known as tolereology). |
The Pentadoxy: The Principles of Ambition & Enlightenment
The Pentadoxy is a 45,000 word long philosophical disquisition that is organised as the fifth instalment of twelve disquisitions forming The Omnidoxy. The Omnidoxy is a philosophical treatise which singularly founded the philosophy of Astronism and was solely authored by the mononymous philosopher Cometan. The Pentadoxy is assigned with the inclusive discipline of xentology which encompasses the studies of both the nature of ambition and enlightenment. The Pentadoxy is preceded by The Tetradoxy and followed by The Hexadoxy and compared to the other disquisitions of The Omnidoxy, it is of medium length as it far trails behind both The Monodoxy and The Duodoxy in length yet exceeds both The Tridoxy and The Tetradoxy. |
The Hexadoxy: The Principles of Ontology & Perception
The Hexadoxy is a major philosophical disquisition comprised of a series of discourses primarily focused on the Astronist approach to the philosophy of being (or ontology), as well as the nature and manifestation of perception and its consequences. The Hexadoxy succeeds The Pentadoxy to be the sixth disquisition of the twelve that structure the founding treatise of the philosophy of Astronism known as The Omnidoxy. |
The Septidoxy: The Principles of Cosmic Exploration
The Septidoxy is the seventh disquisition contributing to the total of twelve which form The Omnidoxy, the philosophical treatise which founded the philosophy of Astronism, as solely authored by Cometan. The Septidoxy is of particular importance to the development of Astronism as well as setting the theme of the Omnidoxy due to the fact that it is entirely predicated upon explaining, exploring, and contemplating space exploration as a whole and the many different processes, events, practicalities, and emerging methods and beliefs from the Humanic Exploration of The Cosmos. While the Monodoxy contemplates The Cosmos, the Septidoxy contemplates space exploration and especially practical elements which will be integral to our conduct of space exploration activities. The Septidoxy is provided with its own inclusive discipline known as expology which entirely encompasses the philosophical contemplation of space exploration as distinct from the contemplation of space and celestials themselves which is encompassed within the monodoxical inclusive discipline of compendology. Contemplating questions such as the effects of space travel on humans both biologically and psychologically, the Septidoxy is entirely concerned with the practical viability of space exploration and the rationale for space exploration. |
The Octadoxy: The Principles of Advancement & Eschatology
The Octadoxy is the eighth disquisition of twelve which form the philosophical treatise known as The Omnidoxy with its discourses primarily concerned with the formation of the Millettarian, or Astronic eschatology which is Astronism's approach to understanding the nature of humanity's final destiny as well as the afterlife. In addition, the Octadoxy remains concerned with the nature of advancement, especially in a cosmical setting in the case of the Humanic Exploration of The Cosmos. A mid-length disquisition, the Octadoxy is preceded by the Septidoxy and followed by the Nonodoxy and is written according to the style of insentence. The Astronic eschatology is entirely predicated upon the beliefs and concepts residing within transcensionism, the belief orientation holding that humanity is not fulfilling its destiny upon The Earth and that space exploration is the ultimate fate and consequence of human existence. |
The Nonodoxy: The Principles of Epistemology & Ethics
The Nonodoxy is a philosophical disquisition comprised of fifty-nine discourses studying the topics of knowledge (epistemology) and morality (ethics). The Nonodoxy is organised as the ninth disquisition of the treatise known as The Omnidoxy, the founding text of the philosophy of Astronism solely authored by Cometan. The Nonodoxy is the founding disquisition of Millettarian/Astronic ethics and epistemology with some of its key contributions including the notions of bromition, cosmospectivity, uniquitarianism, and Millettarian social teaching. A major segment of The Nonodoxy is dedicated to the study of centralities and incentralities that are tied to certain emotions which provide readers with an understanding of how Astronism considers such emotions and the consequences of those emotions on people's personalities and interactions. |
The Decadoxy: The Principles of Space & Time
The Decadoxy is an Astronic philosophical disquisition forming the tenth disquisition of twelve which comprise The Omnidoxy, the founding treatise of the philosophy of Astronism. The Decadoxy is assigned with the inclusive discipline of durantology which studies the nature of space and time and is largely concerned with contemplating scientific theories and applying them to a cosmic philosophical prism. Preceded by The Nonodoxy and followed by The Hendecadoxy, The Decadoxy also contemplates various different metaphilosophical questions and topics which are considered to be appendages to the main disquisition. The Decadoxy is tasked with studying the application of space and time to the philosophy of The Cosmos found in The Monodoxy with durantological study considering all types and applications of the concepts of time and space. |
The Hendecadoxy: The Principles of Peace & Acceptance
The Hendecadoxy is a short philosophical disquisition fulfilling the eleventh of twelve disquisition which culminate as one to form The Omnidoxy. The Hendecadoxy is primarily concerned with detailing the Astronic understanding of the nature of peace and acceptance and as a disquisition, is assigned the inclusive discipline of quillitology which encompasses both the study of peace and the study of acceptance. Provided with the appellation of The Penultimation by Cometan due to it being the second to last disquisition of The Omnidoxy, The Hendecadoxy is preceded by The Decadoxy and followed only by The Dodecadoxy. The study and contemplation of the notions/concepts of peace and acceptance was not officially categorised as a discipline prior to the writing of The Hendecadoxy with the study of the altering nature, applicability, and diversity of both peace and acceptance considered to be an important area to philosophically discuss and contemplate. |
The Dodecadoxy: The Principles of Imagination & Freedom
The Dodecadoxy, also known as The Ultimation, is the twelfth and final disquisition of the philosophical treatise known as The Omnidoxy, the founding text of the philosophy of Astronism. The Dodecadoxy is written largely according to the definitionalist style of Cometanic omnidoxical writing and concerns itself with the study of imagination and freedom. Not only does The Dodecadoxy address the natures and applications of imagination and freedom, but it formulates an entire system of belief on freedom which is then subsequently applied to the entire belief system of Astronism. One of the foremost natures of Astronism is freedom and this is manifested and emphasised by The Dodecadoxy. Transcensionism is the foremost exemplification of the integration of freedom into the core of the beliefs of the philosophy of Astronism. As the final disquisition of The Omnidoxy, The Dodecadoxy also concerns itself with the nature of the personhood of Cometan as its sole author as well as some of the most prominent elements of Astronism and including other metaphilosophical topics of study. |