Clive Owen Barry
Clive Owen Barry is a British author living in England. Born in the coastal town of Scarborough, he has lived all his adult life in and around the north east. Earlier years were to see his family immigrating to Ontario, Canada, where he was to share the first fourteen years of his life, being educated back and forth, in both countries, on both sides of the pond.
Later he was to return to his origins, where he still resides in the Northumberland countryside, with his wife, the two youngest children, and a couple of extremely yappy Yorkshire terriers. The family has grown considerably over the years, resulting in a combined total of eight children, and at the last count, sixteen grandchildren. His working life began as an apprentice carpenter to the once prospering British ship building industry, but since the mid-eighties he became involved as a Superintendent Consultant to the petrochemical, and marine side of things. Worldly-travelled, he has now stepped away from all industries, and finds himself in a position to devote his future to writing full time multi-genre fiction, allowing himself the freedom of putting down on paper that which he enjoys most. Together with short stories and poetry accepted for publication by numerous magazines and journals, he has independently published two mid-grade novellas, ‘Granule Speck and the Ichkin’ and ‘Granule Speck, the Witch and the Princess’, together with two adult crime novels, ‘Brutal Retribution’ and ‘The Gemini Nemesis’. Based on several short stories of the supernatural accepted for publication, at the time of writing this bio, he is working to complete a novel of the same. |
Granule Speck and the Ichkin
Middle-Grade Fantasy
Centered around the present time, we find twelve year old Harry, whilst playing with friends in the Daring Forest, wanders into the old and ancient part of the woods, there he meets an old hobgoblin by the name of Granule Speck. This is the heart of the Daring Forest and an area most people try to avoid. They say the old and ancient woods are haunted, and some believe bad spirits dwell within the gnarled and distorted branches of the ancient trees. Watching everything from high in the tallest tree, is a pair of deep, red eyes. These eyes belong to a sinister, malevolent creature, produced centuries before by an evil sorceress and named the ‘Ichkin’. An age old story of good over evil, the bonding of lasting friendships, together with the beginnings of a flourishing young love. |
Granule Speck, the Witch and the Princess
Middle-Grade Fantasy
It was early spring, long, long ago, and a wintry wind was blowing across the battlefield. The two armies of King Cuthbert and King Ahron faced each other, but this was to be a battle that should never take place. Would it be the impetuous actions of Prince Jesmond, youngest of the three Royal brothers that might save them all from imminent disaster? On the far side of the old and ancient woods lived the crone, busy creating malevolent forces within her evil spells. Obsessed by her grief, and adamant she would be the one to destroy not only the Kingdom, but bring about suffering and starvation to the lives of all the many innocent people living within. Can the three of them, Granule Speck, happy old hobgoblin, and champion to the wildlife of the old and ancient forest, Gwynn, the pretty daughter of the Kings giant woodsman, or in fact Prince Jesmond himself, able to combat the many forces of danger and evil hiding within this ancient woodlands? A tale of good over evil, of everlasting friendships and never forgetting of course, the strongest of all emotions, being that of love. |
Brutal Retribution
Adult Crime Drama Thriller
Set in a north east council estate, pretty mother of two, Sally Oldham, woke that morning battered and bruised on the bedroom floor. Life couldn’t possibly get much worse than it already was she thought, but she was so very wrong and what transpired in the days that followed, were straight from the pages of a horror novel. Everything seemed surreal, the reality however was to change Sally’s life forever. That one further act of aggression, led to a whole domino effect of death and destruction. A cruel and violent husband, Turkish drug dealers, Albanian mobsters, what else could possibly go wrong? |
The Gemini Nemesis
Adult Crime Drama Thriller
Woken within the early hours, Detective Inspector Nikos Papadakis is informed that the butchered body of a third victim had been discovered. The disturbing connection linking the three, they were all middle aged men with a perverted preference for children, and worse, evidence suggests the carnage being left behind is the work of two young school girls. From the sleazy bars beyond the railway bridge, to the opulent homes of prominent members of society, DI Nikos Papadakis together with his colleague and lover DC Chrissy Whitmore must piece together the puzzle, and find the common denominator. |