Carlton Brown
Born in the UK and raised in New Zealand, Carlton has led an interesting, eclectic, adventurous, and purposeful life—a road less travelled. Carlton is a veterinarian, biotech entrepreneur, vaccine innovator, hobby archaeologist, and researcher, as well as the author of Discovering Ritual Meditation. His lifetime fascination with pyramid archaeology and cultures, ancient priesthood ritual knowledge, lost civilizations, and humankind’s history through the Holocene is augmented by his research into the science of altered states of consciousness. More recently, his interests have expanded to understanding the story lurking behind global climate change. Carlton lives in Guatemala, his spiritual home, overlooking the beautiful Lake Atitlan.
Carlton earned an MBA from the London Business School (1997) and was the founding CEO of Immune Targeting Systems Ltd. (2003–12), which was recently (2015) acquired by Altimmune Inc. During his CEO tenure, Carlton raised GBP£23 million of investment funding, codeveloped a biotechnology company and vaccine technology de novo, and led a team that successfully validated novel vaccine solutions for mutating viruses, thus solving a multi-decade industry and technology bottleneck (vaccines promoting cellular immunity). Carlton stepped down as CEO in 2012 to pursue his career as an author. |
Discovering Ritual Meditation: Transcendental Healing and Self-Realization
Science & Religion, Archaeology
Would you like to know how to directly access your higher states of consciousness to spiritually awaken, become self-realized (enlightened), profoundly heal, and achieve spiritual immortality after you die? Imagine then effortlessly manifesting the power of Now, or your higher self-awareness, and transforming your mind. Now, this is all possible. I uncovered the sacred ritual process for accessing our higher states of consciousness while researching the archaeology of the Sun god religions of ancient Egypt, India, and Central and South America. Ritual Meditation, derived from these discoveries, will enable you to dissolve your ego mind, thus revealing to you your higher states of consciousness. These experiences will spiritually awaken and profoundly heal you. If you suffer from death anxiety, psychological and emotional issues relating to abuse in childhood or sexual abuse, chemical addictions, depression, or anxiety, and you wish to heal, or if you would like to access real spirituality, or if you simply wish to understand this unique archaeological discovery, then this book is for you. Sample Discovering Ritual Meditation (formerly Sun God Sacred Secrets) Former Title: Sun God Sacred Secrets