C.A. Nicholas
I am an award-winning, Asian-American, and genre-traversing storyteller, with an INFP, Enneagram 4 personality. My responses enjoy scattering and fleeing from others when I socialize but writing helps me to communicate the voice, dance, and symphony of my soul. Furthermore, I write with an aspiration to provide my fellow readers and artists with catharsis, diversion, and inspiration.
Cycles of the Phoenix: The Whole Interlaced Souls Series
Short story collection, psychological fiction, literary fiction, fantasy
C.A. Nicholas's magnum opus symphony is about to begin and he's reserved a seat for you. So come on in and I'll lead you to your place of honor as the house lights dim. Yes, your spot is beside the maestro as he teleports you and himself to various worlds! Diverse souls will befriend you there as they reveal the beauty of your life through their stories. |
When a Phoenix Rose Nevermore: Cycles of the Phoenix II
Short story collection/novella, psychological fiction, literary fiction, humor, horror
Dear Literary Traveler, Another life-affirming journey between you and C.A. Nicholas awaits! In this standalone sequel to Cycles of the Phoenix, you will encounter tragic tales and surreal comedies, as well as degrees of horror. Yet the heroes of these diverse, interlaced, and multigenerational stories share a desire to show you how to find happiness amid persistent sorrow; their mantra is this: you are wonderful because you exist. |